First Steam Engine
Richard Trevithick demonstrated the forst steam engine. -
First Bicycle
In 1817 Baron Karl von Drais created the first pedal bike. -
First Horse and Buggy
In the 19th century the horse and buggy was invented in Concord New Hampshire -
Created by John Froelich in Northeast Iowa. -
FIrst Fourwheeeler (Quadbike) was made
The first fourwheeler was made by Royal Enfield. -
First Car was made
Henry Ford made the first "Horseless Carriage", also known as a car or automobilw, in 1896. -
First Modern Skis
The first modern skis were created in the early 1900's. -
First Snowmobile
In 1954 the first snowmobile was invented by David Johnson, Paul Knochenmus, and Orlen Johnson.