First Wave of Colonization
A group of 104 men, sent by the Virginia Company, left England to settle land in the New World. On December 6, 1606 they set sail and in 1607 they landed in Virginia and established Jamestown. The reason the group of men left was to seek National power and growth, to gain personal prosperity and because they felt a call from God. -
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Early Jamestown History
John Smith
In 1614, Captain John Smith was enlisted as the main leader in Jamestown. While in charge he put into place a very strict military government and discipline. -
John Rolfe was the first person to plant tobacco, completely revolutionizing Jamestown. Before the growth of tobacco, Jamestown was a disease filled land that was going downhill fast. Once the tobacco industry took off Jamestown grew into a prosperous, money making land. -
Land Reforms
In 1617 land reforms were put into action and the headright system was enacted. The headright system was when everyone who brought a person to Jamestown has a right to 50 acres. In this day and age, land equals power. -
Women are now being sent to Jamestown to help grow and establish the land. To qualify to come to the New Land women must be in good moral standing, willing to marry and have basic medical knowledge. Men paid for the women's transportation over to Jamestown. While in the home, women were expected to prepare and preserve the food and provide medical care. -
The political system was established and a representative government was enforced. Both a council and a governor was appointed. The House of Burgess was elected.