History of Italy

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    World War 1

    Allied with Germany and Austria they went to war with alot of people
  • Italy Wins the World Cup

    Italy wins the world cup
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Intending to colonize Ethiopia, Italy tries to colonize it but failed
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    World War 2

    Allied with the Nazis
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    Greece and Italy War

    When Greece refuses to give over their territory to Italy so Italy invades Greece
  • Italian Republic

    After the royal family was exiled Italy formed their republic
  • Floods in Venice and Florence

    Both countries flooded and Venice is still half water to this day
  • Italy Joins the European Union

    Italy joins the European Union
  • Pompeii''s House of Gladiators Collapse

    The 2,000 year house of gladiators collapses due to a failure to keep the drainage system working
  • First Female Prime Minister in Italy

    The first female prime minister gets elected