
History of Issues at Ihumatao

By jvukets
  • The land at Ihumatao is confiscated by the British out of punsihment for local Maori supporting the Kingitanga movement

  • Maungataketake Quarried

  • Airport runway extended

  • Oxidation ponds were removed

  • Burial sites desecrated

  • Mangere Gateway Heritage project ended

    The environment Court rules all rural land west of Auckland Airport should be designated as future urban space. This ends a plan from the Manukau District COuncil era called the Mangere Gateway Heritage project that would have seen Ihumatao protected
  • Government and Auckland Council designate the land at Ihumatao a Special Housing area

  • SOUL Formed in opposition to the move

  • Auckland Council upholds its decision to keep the site as a Special Housing area, despite strenuous community opposition

  • SOUL members address the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues