Irish flag 500

History of 1930's Ireland

  • 15,000 BCE

    What Was Ireland Like Before?

    What Was Ireland Like Before?
    15,000 years ago, Ireland was covered all over with thick ice glaciers. When these glaciers moved, it stripped the soil leaving limestone pavement.
  • Period: to

    Becoming An Independent Country

    British laws sparked Irish Sovereignty, but they were overturned. In 1922, Irish Free State was created in British Empire. In 1948, Ireland became independent country while some Protestant states remained.
  • What Was It Like in 1930s Ireland?

    What Was It Like in 1930s Ireland?
    During this time, Ireland's population was only 3 million. Many were living in towns, villages, or the countryside.
  • A Declining Economy

    A Declining Economy
    The economic war between Britain and Ireland depressed Ireland economy. The irish government promoted self-sufficiency to head towards industrialization.
  • Developing Ireland

    Developing Ireland
    By 1943, all Ireland homes had electricity because the government created a hydro-electricity scheme. They also helped the unemployed with road-building,
  • War Neutrality

    War Neutrality
    In 1937, a new constitution was created. 'Irish Free State' became just Ireland. Ireland was making more moves to keep their country more neutral in future wars.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The Second World War began. Ireland declared to preserve their neutrality, and proposed two bills to support it.
  • Ireland Today

     Ireland Today
    Europe's 3rd largest island, Ireland is known for its beautiful lush green fields, that it's also been named Emerald Isle.