This stands for Advanced Reashearch Projecta Agency Network and its considered to be the beiginning of the internet. It was created by DARPA (Defence Advance Research Project Agency) in the United States. -
Newsgroups, bulletins boards
During the 1970's, a system called Usenet deeloped, utillising the current network technology of the time. This allowed users to post essages to newsgroups which could be read by all registered members of that newsgroup. -
Having developed a methord of connecting computers together across a distance, the next step was communicating. The first message sent across ARPANET at 10:30 p.m on the 29 October. -
International Packet-Switched Serice
The first packet-switched network ARPANET, was created in 1978.I was a collabration between Western Union (a US communications company). -
Increasing number of Host
In 1984 the number of host on the Internet reached 1000. Three years later, in 1987, it had exceeded 10000. One year on the figure had reached 60000, and in 1989 it reached 100000. -
TCP/IP protocol, National Science Foundation (NSF)
All parts of ARPANETand connected networks were officially converted using TCP/IP protocol, meaning that every part of the network could use the same methord of communing and data transfer at a fundamentl level. -
Domain Name Addressing System
Originally, users of ARPANET would contact other members of the network using telephone umbers. They would dial into an individual computer and that would be the network they could access. -
Domain name addressing system
First commercial dial-up
Although modems connected to telephone lines had been from the times of the internet's inception,it was only in 1990 that dial-up modems became widely available to the pubic , with an online speed of 9600bps, compared to the 56 Kbps which became standard in 1998.