History of internet

  • 1958

    A.R.P.A is created in the United States.
  • 1961

    The first Email was send
  • 1969

    ARPANET is created by United States ( First Network)
  • 1972

    The email becomes popular.
  • 1986

    NSnet is created by the National science foundation
  • 1987

    Internet gets his first 10,000 hosts
  • 1988

    Internet gets infected by the first worm virus
  • 1991

    Tim Berners Lee Creates the World Wide Web (WWW)
  • 1993

    MOSAIC is created
  • 1994

    Jez Bezos creates Amazon
  • 1994

    Yahoo was create by Jerry Yang and David Filo
  • 1995

    In California Ebay gets founded
  • 1998

    Google gets founded