History Of Immigration Policy

  • Period: to

    Wave of Great Britain, German, and Irish Immigration

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    200000 Chinese Immigrants

    Made up 20-30 percent of labor in California by 1870 - Anger caused policies like barring them from marrying Caucasian people or allowing them to go to court against a Caucasian person (racist policies being created)
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    Japanese Immigration

    America creates segregated school and Roosevelt asked the Japanese Government to try to restrict immigration (Called The Gentlemen's Agreement)
  • Ratification of the 14th Amendment

    Citizenship is granted automatically to people who're born in the United States (not Native Americans).
  • Period: to

    26 million immigrants

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    Southern/Eastern Europe Serge in Immigration

    Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Kept Chinese workers from immigrating to the United States or allowing those already immigrated to bring their spouse
  • Period: to

    Four Year Upsurge in Immigration

  • Opening of the Statue Of Liberty

    Before this opening, there were less than sixty million people in the US. In just that year, 334000 people immigrated into the United States.
  • Literacy Becomes A Requirement to Immigrate

    Caused by World War I Sense of Nationalism
  • Native Americans are include to become citizens

  • Period: to

    National Origins Act

    Immigration Quotas based on nationality - Ended when amount of people leaving the country begun to be larger than the amount of people who were staying / coming.
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    Know Nothing Party

    Creation of party against the Irish & German immigrants because of their supposed reputation of being uneducated, lazy, and unwelcomed in America.
  • Period: to

    The Cold War

    A lowering in immigration created a need for more.
  • Displaced Persons Act

    act to help 400000 people immigrate into America
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    Wave of Refugee Immigration

    predominantly from Cuba and Communist nations who America "helped" to escape
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

  • Largest Refugee Wave

    From Cuba after Fidel Castro comes into his power
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

    emphasis on reuniting families and bringing in skilled workers to come to America
  • Period: to

    Late 20th Century Laws

    only 20000 people maximum immigrating from any one country and a cap of 290000 in total in one year. Less racial exclusions in the laws but still racial prejudice going on in all of the systems.
  • Refugee Act of 1980

    Helped flow of refugees for immigration
  • The Immigration Reform & Control Act

    Fees for employers of undocumented people in the United States to prevent more illegal immigration
  • Urban Immigration

    By 1990, more and more of the cities were populated by the newer immigrants of Italians, Polish people, Jewish People, & Greek People in groups.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    It Raised the allowed amount of immigration to 675000. Also, it prioritized families who were immigrating together and people who were skilled workers to come in.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Stricter handling of illegal immigration & deportation doubles
  • 9/11

    Terrorist attack caused national security concerns to also effect immigration policies.