History of Immigration in Canada

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    Chinese Head Tax

    Anyone immigrating from China had to pay what was known as a head tax. It was to discourage people from immigrating from China.
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    Refugees Being Added as an Immigration Category

    This was the first time Canada took in refugees. It was mainly refugees from Russia.
  • Komagata Maru

    Komagata Maru
    The Komagata Maru was a ship that had transported immigrants from India to Canada. There was a law that said that immigrants could only come to Canada if they came straight from wherever they were from to Canada. But sadly there wasent any way to get from India straight to Canada, so the Komagata Maru was turned away.
  • Internment of Ukrainian Canadians

    Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
    During WW1 Canada and the Allies were at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Ukraine was in enemy territory. Because of this the Canadian government was scared of the German and Ukrainian people who were living in Canada. They seized over 8000 people and put most of them into internment camps and were forced to work for Canada.
  • Internment of Italian Canadians

    Internment of Italian Canadians
    This was very similar to what Canada did to the Ukrainians in WW1. This was in WW2 when Italy declared war against Canada. The government used the War Measures Act to arrest large groups of Italians.
  • Internment of Japanese Canadians

    Internment of Japanese Canadians
    Again Canada became afraid of a group of people who lived in Canada, because their home country attacked somewhere. This time the Japanese had bombed pearl harbor and the Canadian government sent 20000 people into central British Columbia and even to western Alberta.
  • Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act makes it so no one who has ever committed any acts of espionage can immigrate to Canada.
  • Singh Decision

    Singh Decision
    Satnam Singh was an immigrant from India who was rejected from entering Canada under the Immigration Act. But the courts would not allow Satnam to appear in court or make and appeal. This went against section 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Because of this incident Canada made it easier for immigrants to come to Canada.
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act is the most recent law about immigration. It helped to protect current residences of Canada and to protect new immigrants.
  • Immigration Categories

    Immigration Categories
    There are 4 immigration categories, Refugees, Family, Economic, and Other. These categories describe the different ways people can come into Canada as an immigrant.