Illigal immigration

History of Immigration

  • Colonial Immigration 1607-1775

    Colonial Immigration 1607-1775
    Over this huge time span, European immigrants entered the United States. Most of these immigrants were of Dutch, German, and Britich descent. Also, African American slaves came with.
  • Colonial immigrants open first college

    Colonial immigrants open first college
    HARVARD! Yes, the first colonial immigrants opened the first college.
  • Colonial North America

    Approximately 175,000 Englishmen migrated to North America by the end of the 17th century. Also, this immigration plus natural born citizens finally outranked the number of natives.
  • Colonial Frontier Immigration 1717-1775

    Colonial Frontier Immigration 1717-1775
    To flee persecution, lots of presbyterian setttlers came to America.
  • Scotch Irish Immigration

    Scotch Irish Immigration
    The Scotch Irish immigrants settled into South Carolina, Georgia and other eastern states. This was between 1777-1775
  • Census Population 1790

    The population in the United States during 1790 was 3,918,000. Look to Census population 1850 to see drastic change.
  • Census Population 1850

    The population drastically changed from 1790-1850. Increasing to 23,054,000.
  • German Immigration to Texas

    German Immigration to Texas
    The time span of this immigration was from about 1851-1900. This is a link full of interesting personal stories about the move.
  • "New Immigrants"

    "New Immigrants"
    A time period when immigrants came from Southern Europe and Russia.
  • Ellis Island Immigration Station Opened

    Ellis Island Immigration Station Opened
    The first station to aid in the Ellis Island Immigrants was opened. New York.
  • Angel Island Immigration Station Opened

    Angel Island Immigration Station Opened
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This act was put in place to put a stop to immigration into the United States.
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    This act raised the limit on allowing immigrants into the US. It also revised grounds for deportation from the United States. Thus, making life easier for immigrants coming to our country.
  • Immigration Between 2000-2010

    Immigration Between 2000-2010
    Crazy fact: America has accepted almost 14 million immigrants ranging from Mexico, India, Phillipines and China.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

    ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) was formed following the events of September 11th 2001 in accordance with the homeland security act of 2002.