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History of IKEA

  • IKEA is founded by Ingvar Kamprad

    IKEA is founded by Ingvar Kamprad
    When Ingvar Kamprad is 17, his father gives him money as a reward for succeeding in his studies. He uses it to establish his own business. IKEA originally sells pens, wallets, picture frames, table runners, watches, jewelry and nylon stockings - meeting needs with products at reduced prices.
  • The first IKEA advertisements appear

    The first IKEA advertisements appear
    Ingvar Kamprad's business outgrows his ability to make individual sales calls, so he begins advertising in local newspapers and operating a makeshift mail-order service.
  • Furniture is introduced into the IKEA range

    Furniture is introduced into the IKEA range
    An important shift in sales from accesesories and appliances to furniture, which would later on represent the core of IKEA's business.
  • Furniture showroom opens in Älmhult, Sweden

    Furniture showroom opens in Älmhult, Sweden
    This is an important moment in the development of the IKEA concept - for the first time customers can see and touch IKEA home furnishings before ordering them. The showroom is born out of a price war with a main competitor of IKEA. By opening the showroom, IKEA clearly demonstrates the function and quality of its low-price products.
  • Designing furniture for flat packs and self-assembly

    Designing furniture for flat packs and self-assembly
    The decision for IKEA to design its own furniture stems, ironically, from competitors pressure for suppliers to boycott IKEA.
  • The first IKEA store opens in Sweden

    The first IKEA store opens in Sweden
  • Largest IKEA store opens in Stockholm, Sweden

    Largest IKEA store opens in Stockholm, Sweden
    The 31,000 square meters store has a circular design. The store's success leads to the opening of a self-serve warehouse - an important part of the IKEA concept is born.
  • IKEA Group is formed

    IKEA Group is formed
    The IKEA Group is formed and its owner is a foundation, the Stitchting INGKA Foundation, which is based in the Netherlands. The founder of the IKEA Operations, Ingvar Kamprad, wanted to create an ownership structure and an organization that stand for independence and a long-term approach. The IKEA Group itself encompasses many IKEA operations – the Swedwood industrial group, distribution and warehousing divisions and companies owning stores in various countries.
  • IKEA arrives in the USA (Philadelphia)

    IKEA arrives in the USA (Philadelphia)
    After its initial expantion into Norway in 1963, IKEA has now gone international opening stores in United States, Italy, France, and the U.K.
  • Anders Moberg becomes President and CEO of the IKEA Group.

    Anders Moberg becomes President and CEO of the IKEA Group.
    Ingvar Kamprad retires from Group Management to become an advisor to the parent company INGKA Holding B.V. Anders Moberg becomes President and CEO of the IKEA Group.
  • IKEA establishes the industrial group Swedwood

    IKEA establishes the industrial group Swedwood
    IKEA acquires its own sawmills and production plants and establishes the industrial group Swedwood to produce wood-based furniture and wooden components.
  • A new President and CEO: Anders Dahlvig

    A new President and CEO: Anders Dahlvig
    Anders Dahlvig becomes President and CEO of the IKEA Group, taking over from Anders Moberg.
  • IKEA Rail begins

    IKEA Rail begins
    The IKEA Group trials running its own rail operations through IKEA Rail AB. The use of rail continues to be an important part of the IKEA strategy to promote sustainable transportation of IKEA material and products.
  • IKEA Food is launched

    IKEA Food is launched
    IKEA launches its own food label covering about 30 percent of the 150 products in its food range. The range focuses on high-quality food products based on Swedish recipes and tradition, for a low price. The products have an IKEA label and are sold in Swedish Food Markets in IKEA stores and are also served in IKEA restaurants.
  • Mikael Ohlsson becomes Chairman and CEO

    Mikael Ohlsson becomes Chairman and CEO