Jan 1, 1000
Steven I Became Hungary's first king and converted the country to the Roman Catholic Religion
Jan 1, 1241
The Mongols invaded Hungary
Period: Jan 1, 1458 to Dec 31, 1490
Matthias Hunyadi ruled Hungary and helped make it a center of Italian Renaissance culture
Jan 1, 1526
The Ottoman Empire defeated Hungary in the Battle of Mohacs. Soon afterward, the Ottomans occupied central and eastern Hungary
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Austrian Habsburg forces drove the Ottomans out of Hungary and took control of the country
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Francis Rakoczi II led an unsuccessful uprising to gain Hungarian independence
Lajos Kossuth led an anti-Habsburg revolution, which was defeated the following year
The Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary was established
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Austria-Hungary was defeated in World War I
Hungary became a republic
Bela Kun established the first Hungarian Communist government. It lasted only a few months
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Admiral Nicholas Horthy, a conservative, ruled Hungary as a regent (in the place of a king)
Hungary entered World War II on Germany's side
Germany, which mistrusted Hungary as an ally, occupied the country
Hungary and the Allies signed an armistice
Hungary again became a republic. The new government started political, economic, and social reforms
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Hungarian Communists gradually gained control of the government
The Allies signed a peace treaty with Hungary that confirmed the terms of the 1945 armistice
Hungary became a member of the United Nations
Soviet forces crushed an anti-Communist revolution in Hungary
Hungary's Communist Party agreed to allow other political parties to operate in the country
The 40-year rule of the Communist Party ended
Hungary joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance of Western nations
The Magyars conquered Hungary