776 BCE
Olympic Games Began
Urban mass Transit Begins in New York City, London, and Paris
The first successful steam-powered locomotive became available
The first roller coaster was unveiled in Paris
Robert Fulton’s steam-powered Clermont made her maiden voyage up the Hudson River
Scotsman John McAdams improved road construction with the use of broken stones covered with tar
- The Savannah was the first steam ship to cross the Atlantic
The Tremont House (1st modern hotel) opened in Boston
The elevator was invented allowing the hotels to expand upward
The first subway system opened in London
The east and west coast of the United States were connected by the transcontinental railroad
The first subway system opened in New York City
The first steam-powered Carousel was introduced
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
Coney Island was opened in New York City and became the model for amusement parks
The first cafeteria was opened in New York City
Electric cars or trolleys came into their own
The gasoline engine led to the beginning of the motor coach industry
The first travelers’ checks were introduced by the American Express Company
The first Stanley Cup playoffs were held
The modern Olympic games returned
The American Automobile Association was founded in Chicago (AAA
World Series (baseball) were introduced
The first airplane took flight at Kitty Hawk
Henry Ford introduced the first Model T
Ellsworth Statler opened the first hotel chain concept
Passenger ship accommodations were more luxurious and only affordable for the very wealthy
The first scheduled airplane flew with passengers
World War I advanced aircraft design
Car Rental began through National Car Rental
Organized airline service developed in Europe
Commercial Airlines started in the US
The Great Depression Began
Period: to
Almost 85% of all hotels in the US went bankrupt
The concept of a zoo using open areas and concealed surroundings to display animals was introduced
Marineland opened an outdoor aquarium in St. Augustine, Florida
Cunard Lines launched the Queen Elizabeth (the largest passenger ship to date)
The first NCAA Basketball tournament was held
World War II began in Europe
Rockets were tested off the North Carolina Coast
The automobile and the jet plane helped the hotel industry to rebound
The first airline ticket was created
Intercity bus travel increased rapidly
Walter E. Avis opened the first airport rent-a-car
United Airlines and American Airlines began coast to coast service in the United States
IATA allowed transatlantic tourist fares in summer
Congress created the National System of Interstate Highways
Holiday Inn was launched in Memphis, Tennessee by Kemmons Wilson
The first nonstop Transcontinental flight was made from Los Angeles to New York
Holiday Inn installed the hotel industry’s first nationwide computerized reservation system
The first Super Bowl was played
The landing of the first man on the moon
The use of credit cards was accepted in travel and entertainment arenas
Pan American Airlines launched the first Jumbo Jet from New York to London with 352 passengers
Travel became computerized
The first personal computer reached the consumer market
Alex Hailey’s book Roots was to have an influence on heritage travel
Railroads began to decline
Railroads began to decline
Period: to
The world’s cruise fleet doubled
Period: to
The world’s cruise fleet doubled
EPCOT opened in Disney World Florida
Disney World opened in Tokyo
Tourism Bill of Rights and the Tourist Code
English scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web
Davis Cup (tennis) introduced
Americans with Disabilities Act passed
Web pages were developed
Web pages were developed
Microsoft established an accredited travel agency on the Internet
Microsoft established an accredited travel agency on the Internet
The Virtual Reality Modelling Language was first introduced
95% of all US travel agencies were computerized
Americans used personal cars for more than 80% of their vacation trips
There were more than 800 million websites
Dennis Tito was the first paid space tourist
Attacks by terrorists changed travel and tourism forever
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 passed in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks
Self check-in at airports