Sai ying pun centre street 1925 hkmemory

Birth and early growth of the city

By liny2
  • The Nanjing treaty

    The treaty of nankin or Nanjing was a peace treaty that ended the first opium war. It was between the uk and qing dynasty.
  • Chinese people were the first to make Hong kong their home.

    The first people who made Hong kong their home was probably some Chinese fishermen. It was significant because the people made hong kong their home and they started the city of hong kong.
  • Britain takeover

    Britain attacked china and forced them to give away hong kong.
  • Period: to

    Birth and early growth of the city

  • Tung wah hospital established

    The Tung Wah hospital was established in 1872 and the people who didn't have medical services could go to the hospital.
  • The western district opened

    The western district opened
    The western District opened for the growing population in hong kong.
    It was because some people moved from small houses to big houses in the western district.
  • Telephone services

    Telephone services
    The first telephone services were provided by the China and Japan telephone and electric company in 1882. It was significant because lots of people got to use the telephone and they could call people.
  • Tai ping shan small apartments demolished

    Tai ping shan small apartments demolished
    The small and close build apartments in Tai Ping Shan got demolished by the government because of the poor hygiene and spreading plague. The area left made space for redevelopment. It was significant because the people who lived there had to move to a different place while they waited for new apartments to be made and the poor hygiene became better after they made the new apartments.
  • Chinese immigrants and settlers in Hong kong formed associations.

    Chinese immigrants and settlers in Hong kong got together and formed associations that gave the members free education, food and medical services. It was significant because the members there could get better education.
  • Island giveaway

    China leases the rural new terretories ---the mainland area adjacent to kowloon and 235 islands to britain for 99 years.
  • The telephone services were improved.

    The telephone services were improved.
    The telephone services were greatly improved in 1930. This is significant because the people who lived in Hong kong could make better phone call.
  • Us forces start bombing Japan.

  • captured