History Of Hockey

  • School Boys Play Hurly On The Long Pond In Winsor Nova Scotia

    School Boys Play Hurly On The Long Pond In Winsor Nova Scotia
    This is the first time hockey was ever mentioned in canada
  • Period: to

    History of Hurly and Hockey

    VIctor will be discussing the evolution of Canada's greatest game.
  • The Start Of The Skates

    The Start Of The Skates
    The skates, which were patented by a Nova Scotia company in 1866, featured rounded blades held onto boots by metal clamps
  • Hockey Moves To Montreal

    In 1872, a man from Halifax, Nova Scotia named James Creighton moved to Montreal, bringing the sport of ice hockey with him.
  • The Start Of The Rough Stuff

    After practicing for about a month, Creighton staged a public exhibition of the sport on March 3, 1875. While some loved the new sport, others did not like the violence in the game.
  • The Rules

    The Rules
    The Halifax Rules , which Creighton played under in the March 3rd game, said the puck couldn’t leave the ice, no forward passing was allowed and the goalie couldn’t go down or kneel to make saves.
  • Practing Hockey On A Indoor Rink

    Practing Hockey On A Indoor Rink
    In 1875, a group of players when to practice hockey indoors at the Victoria Skating Rink.
  • Hockeys A Outdoor Game

    Hockeys A Outdoor Game
    The societys belief was that hockey is a outdoor game not a indoor game so they forced hockey to be played outside
  • The start of the hockey puck

    The start of the hockey puck
    Due to the danger of a ball flying around inside. Creighton solved the problem by creating a “flat, circular piece of wood,” the first hockey puck.
  • The Offical Rules

    The official rules of hockey were created, the Montreal Rules, in 1877.Injured players could now be replaced, team sizes were set at seven players per team (down from eight) and the rink’s measurements were now made standard.
  • The Growth Of Hockey

    The Growth Of Hockey
    Hockey took the country by storm, as hockey teams sprouted up across eastern Canada, both at universities and at amateur athletic clubs.
  • The First Hockey Leauge

    The First Hockey Leauge
    The first hockey leagues formed in the mid-1880s, while the Amateur Hockey Association of Canada (AHAC), which began in 1885, was the first national hockey organization.
  • Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley

    Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley
    Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, Governor General of Canada, stopped to watch the game. Stanley was taken with the game, and helped to form a team, the Rideau Rebels and a league, the Ontario Hockey Association (which formed in 1890). Two years after the formation of the OHA, Stanley created the concept of a regional competition and gave a cup to be awarded to the victor
  • The Cup

    In 1893, it was decided the cup would never become the property of any team and was renamed the Stanley Hockey Championship Cup. The cup wa about the size of a football, has undergone several changes over the years, the Stanley Cup is still awarded to the champion of the National Hockey League today.
  • Professional Hockey

    Hockey’s popularity led to serious moneymaking for the owners; the Stanley Cup in particular was a huge financial success, drawing large crowds who paid good money to watch the games.
  • The First Professional Hockey leauge

    The First Professional Hockey leauge
    This was helped by the fact that Gibson had been recruiting Canadian stars to come play for the team, offering to pay them. In 1904, Gibson’s Portage Lakers beat the Stanley Cup champion Montreal Wanderers. The success of the two game series – called the World Championship – led Dee and Gibson to form the International Hockey League, the first professional hockey league. The league’s first teams came from Houghton, Calumet, Michigan, Pittsburgh, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and Sault Ste. Marie,
  • Ontario Professional Hockey Leauge

    Canadian hockey finally responded with the creation of the Ontario Professional Hockey League in 1907, which helped persuade some Canadian stars to cross back over the border. In the other Canadian hockey leagues, players were now being paid quietly, drawing even more back to the country, and between the Canadian hockey leagues now paying their talent and a recession, the International Hockey League folded in 1907.
  • A New Leauge

    Late in 1909, the Eastern Canada Hockey Association had folded. The others owners folded the league only to start a new one, the Canadian Hockey Association, As a result, Doran’s Montreal Wanderers formed a new league of their own, the National Hockey Association, new teams from Haileybury, Cobalt and Renfrew, while adding a new team by forming the Montreal Canadiens, an all French-Canadian.With early stars Lester and Frank Patrick making $3,000 and $2,000 per season.
  • The First Professional Hockey Game

    The First Professional Hockey Game
    as the NHA was suffering, brothers Lester and Frank Patrick had moved to the Pacific coast of Canada, to Vancouver, where they started up the Pacific Coast Hockey Association. They built Vancouver Arena, the world’s largest artificial ice arena (which had previously been Madison Square Garden). The first pro hockey game ever played west of Ontario and Michigan was in 1912.
  • More Rules

    Lester and Frank did not merely change the sport through their money; they also brought new innovations that would revolutionize the game. In 1912, the Patricks debuted numbered uniforms and allowed goalies to drop to their feet in order to make saves. The next year, they came up with the concept of zoned hockey, creating the blue lines, and allowed forward passing in those zones.
  • The Start Of The NHL

    Prior to the 1917-18 season, the other NHA owners began to work on shutting down the league and start a new one, leaving Eddie Livingstone out in the cold. In response, Livingstone transferred ownership of his team to a Toronto arena ownership group; when the Quebec Bulldogs had to shut down, the other owners allowed Toronto into the fold of their new league, the National Hockey League (NHL). The NHL, after its first season, quickly moved to become the premier professional leauge in hockey.