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Early Aknowledgment
Jump from animals to humans
The jump from animals to humans is believed to have happened sometime between 1930 and 1950. The most likely culprit would be chimps in Cameroon passing i along to sailors and villagers. -
First human contraction
The first known case of HIV in humans is believed to have occured somewhere between the early 50's and mid 60's, when a cuban man contracted an illness later proved to be HIV. This has not been proven to be the first case in humans, but scientists lack the evidence to prove otherwise. -
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Scientists lead by Dr.Gallo isolated what they though to have been the cause for the mysterious disease. This eventually proved to be the first discovery of the HIV disease. -
Scientists say that have sexual contact with a person infected with HIV or coming into contact with HIV infected blood could possible transmit the deadly disease to you through openings such as cuts and the mouth. More information at: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/aidstimeline1.html Picture from: How Do You Get HIV or AIDS? Digital image. How Do You Get HIV or AIDS? AIDS.gov, O6 June 2012. Web. 07 Nov. 2013. http://aids.gov/hiv-aids-basics/hiv-aids-101/how-you-get-hiv-aids/. -
New findings
Scientisfound the HIV virus to be a retrovirus, meaning it iserts DNA copies from its own genome in order the replicate/reproduce. -
A Canadian flight attendant, who died of HIV, is believed to be the person responsible for introducind the disease to the general public, because of his sexual relations with some of the first victims. -
First treatment options
AZT, which was the first drug created to treate AIDS and HIV, along with the first drugs for treatment and prevention of certain opportunistic infections, was approved for sale in the U.S. Read some more at: http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ByAudience/ForPatientAdvocates/HIVandAIDSActivities/ucm117935.htm -
Ryan White Care Act
The Ryan White Care Act is implemented by the government to provide adequet care for HIV/AIDS patients. This was a result of the death of Ryan White, a teenager who died of HIV, and was banned from going to school. -
The first drug to be used in combination with AZT is approved by the FDA. It marks the beginning of combination therapies for HIV/AIDS. -
Break through in medicine
A new class of drugs rolled out with common approval, to help combat HIV, sometime between 1995 1nd 1997. -
Home testing
The very first home testing kits for HIV and AIDS appeared on store shelves towards the end of the end of the century.