The birth of Hip-Hop
Hip-Hop began in South Bronx, New York City (NYC).
It was started by DJ Kool Herc hat 1520 sedgwick avenue -
Most Important time of Hip-Hop
The most important time of hip-hop was the mid 1980s-mid 1990s.
In 1984 Run-DMC was the first hip-hop act to receive a grammy nominaton.
The first album Run-DMC released sold over 650,000 copies. -
Hip-Hop sucess
The 1990s saw many star rappers emerge. Such as Jay Z, Busta Rhymes and Nas, are still making and selling albums in the 21st century. -
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Hip-Hop in the 21st century
Many rappers have made their debut in the 21st century such as Eminem, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent, Drake and many more.