History of Hip Hop and Rap Music

  • Starts of Hip Hop

    Starts of Hip Hop
    Hip hop first appears in the Bronx.
  • Starts of Hip Hop’s parties

    Starts of Hip Hop’s parties
    DJ Kool Herc deejays his first block party in the Bronx, currently, considered like a “Father of Hip Hop”.
  • Invention of record scratch

    Invention of record scratch
    DJ Grand Wizard Theodore invents the record scratch, a great figure of Rap Music.
  • Starts of the term “Rap Music”

    Starts of the term “Rap Music”
    The music industry first uses the term “rap music,” which shifts the focus in hip hop from the deejays to the emcees.
  • Grammy’s award and Rap Music

    Grammy’s award and Rap Music
    Queen Latifah wins a Grammy award from Best Rap Solo Performance.
  • First rapper to headline Glastonbury

    First rapper to headline Glastonbury
    Jay-Z becomes the first rapper to headline Glastonbury, the largest greenfield music and performing arts festival in the world.
  • Kanye West and Debuts of Rap Music

    Kanye West and Debuts of Rap Music
    Kanye West releases his eighth studio album, Ye, which debuts at number one.