history of heath nevaeh

  • 3000 BCE


    they baleved that demos where making us ill so they took peaces from are head to keep to cray around are body.
  • 410 BCE

    ascent romans

    they made the first hopetil and they whee the first to have a place sanitized for health.
  • 400 BCE

    dark ages

    sick people where pesest as they say but the prest and munks cured there sickness b saying they where psest and they prad to them. they did not baleve in mendison
  • 300 BCE

    anent Egypt

    they used leches to get the blude out of people they beveled if they take the blude out they will get beter.
  • 220 BCE

    ancient chines

    they beveled by punting nedels in are body that the sprites or demand ill escape from are body.
  • 200 BCE

    ancet greac

    they baleved that illness cam naturally so to cure the sick they will use herbs and mishases art therapy and therapy
  • 800

    middel ages

    well we had the pleg, small pox and more and in this time university found out that peoples life spane is 20-35
  • 1350


    new discovery of medison bodys where disect to figer out the human body 1542 the first aniamy book was publish
  • 1500

    16 and 17centuries

    a french surgen discovers a way to stop bleeding. farmises mad pils for the sick they made the telescope and people where suffering from inlufensa.
  • 18 century

    1714 gable made the first mercury thermometer. 1760 Benjamin invented bifocals. 1778 john invented scientific surgical tules. 1798 small pox cuer
  • 19 centery

    xray and stepthocop was disoverd. tranig for nurses and open hart sigruy hapend
  • 20 century

    1901 whit blude s=cels where disoverd andnew medisons.1910 microscopic sugery. 1922 insulen was discoverd. 1928 a medison was found to fight infecshons. 1943 a kindny dialises mashen was disuverd. 1953 hart and lung mishen. 1953 dna disovery. 1956 first bown maerow transpant. 1978 test tube babys. orgen tranplants 1960 kindney 1963liver 1967 hart 1982 artifiashol hart 1970 taicted theripy 1990 smok free laws 1996 andvas in hiv. 1999 raped advanc in stel cels.
  • 21 cantery

    2003 humengeno projrct 2005face transplant.