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History of Healthcare Timeline (Dentistry)

  • 7500 BCE


    -Basic dental was starting to be practiced in ancient Egyptian times.
    -Oral Surgery is thought to be practiced in Egypt
    -The slight decay on the teeth shows that patients had their teeth drilled to get rid of tooth decay.
    -Dentistry is one of the oldest medical professions dating back to 7000 B.C.
  • 4500 BCE


    -Earliest found filling made of wax.
    -Attempted to use acupuncture to decrease the amount of pain a patient had to go through with tooth decay.
    - First use of dental appliances or bridges.
    -Cornelius Celsus, a Roman medical writer, wrote about dental treatments and oral infections.
    -Discovered the use of drills and clamps for removal of the teeth.
  • 1200 BCE


    -Hippocrates and Aristotle write of dental medicine, as well as the eruption pattern of teeth, treating decayed
    teeth and gum unwellness.
    -Linen soaked in medicine was packed in holes in the teeth, trying to relieve the patient's pain.
    -Greeks proved their own strength by being able to handle pain.
    -Cloth prevented food from entering and creating cavities.
  • 1500


    -The rich were called "Sweet Breathers" because they were the only ones that could afford to see a dentist.
    -People were considered beautiful or attractive if they had black teeth.
    -Vinegar and Mint were used for dental purposes.
    -Dentistry contained deathly instruments like the pelicans that killed, because of danger and irresponsible usage.
  • 17th Century (1600's)

    17th Century (1600's)
    -To maintain hygiene, rosemary charcoal was used.
    -Brick, Stone, and Coral were rubbed against the teeth to remove dental stains
    -Acidic and Sugary formulas were meant to clean teeth but ironically caused dental decay.
    -Wigmakers, Barbers, and Blacksmiths were willing to remove teeth
  • 18th Century (1700's)

    18th Century (1700's)
    -A Frenchman named Claude Mouton started the trend of repairing broken or decayed teeth with gold cap crowns or putting protective covering on them in white enamel.
    -Thomas Berdmore discovered sugar is not good for your teeth.
    -He also concluded that smoking was bad and unhealthy for teeth as well.
    -Josiah Flagg constructed the first chair specifically for dentists' patients.