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History of Healthcare Lardinois

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early Beginnings

  • 3900 BCE

    Disease caused by

    Disease caused by
    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for the sick

    Treatments for the sick
    • blood letting
    • exorcism
    • prayer and divine intervention
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Medicines used today
    (Treat heart conditions)
    (Controls fevers, relives muscles)
    -Belladonna and atropine
    (Relive muscle spasms)
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399

    Ancient Times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    -Health records
    (First to keep accurate health records)
    -Who are physicians
    -How did they heal
    (Medicine, learned to splint fractures, bloodletting with leeches)
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    -Development of acupuncture
    (Treat disease and sickness, turned into acupuncture)
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    -Illness cause Nature vs. Spiritual
    (Ancient Greeks were the first to study cause of illness, figure out it was natural, and not spiritual)
    (Bodies were not allowed to be dissected)
    (Wrote the standard of ethics “Oath of Hippocrates”
  • 100

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    -Sanitation System
    (Brought clean water into city’s, built sewers, built public baths)
    -Organize medical care
    (First to organize medical care)
    -Hospital development
    (Kept rooms in their homes for people that were sick)
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark Age

  • 500

    Stopped the study of medicine, why?

    Stopped the study of medicine, why?
    -The church believed life and death were the choice of God.
  • 700

    How do they treat disease?

    How do they treat disease?
    • Treatment turned into prayer
    • Herbal mixtures
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle Age

  • 1100


    Caused millions of deaths
    -bubonic plague (60 million people)
  • Period: 1350 to


  • 1450


    (Building university’s and medical schools to increase research)
    (Acceptance of dissection to study the body)
    (Development of books to give people greater understanding and research)
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th and 17th Centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Studied and recorded anatomy of the human body.
  • 1550

    Gabrielle Fallopius

    Gabrielle Fallopius
    Discovered the Fallopian tubes-female anatomy
  • 1563

    Bartolommeo Eustachio

    Bartolommeo Eustachio
    Discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat (Eustachian tube)
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Was able to describe circulation of blood and pumping of the heart.
  • Antonie von Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
    Invented the microscope
  • Apothecaries

    Pharmacies increased as well as drugs and spices
    -decrease in disease
  • Period: to

    18th Century

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Discovered bifocals, and that colds are contagious
  • Medical students learning

    Medical students learning
    • attended lectures
    • observed patients at their bedsides
    • dissected bodies, observe disease process
    • helped students understand the cause of death and illness
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    -Discovered that micro organisms cause infections
    -Used carbolic acid to kill germs in wounds to stop the spread of infection
    - found the element oxygen
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Discovered vaccination for smallpox, this led to the discovery of immunization
  • Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    Invented the stethoscope-helped doctors discover disease
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th Centuries

  • Ignaz Semmelweis

    Ignaz Semmelweis
    • found the cause of childbed fever
    • learned that washing hands can get rid of germs and prevent illness
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    -Took a group of women to the Crimean War to care for soliders suffering with cholera
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    • “Father of Microbiology”
    • Discovered tiny microorganisms are everywhere and cause disease
    • Found out heating milk prevented growth of bacteria
    • Created vaccine for rabies
  • Dmitri Ivanovski

    Dmitri Ivanovski
    • Discovered viruses (microorganisms that cant be seen with a microscope)
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    -First doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery
    -Used carbolic acid on wounds to kill the germs that cause infection
  • Ernst von Bergmann

    Ernst von Bergmann
    -Developed asepsis
    -Found a way to keep an area clean and sanitary before and during surgery
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    • Discovered multiple diseases-causing organisms
    • Developed culture plate method (identify pathogens and Isolate bacteria that causes tuberculoses) -Introduced importance of being sanitary and clean to help prevent the spread of disease
  • Paul Ehrlich

    Paul Ehrlich
    -Found a theory for the bodies immune system
    - worked hard in learning about chemotherapy
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    • discovered x-rays
    • allowed doctors to see inside their patients
  • Anesthesia

    • used herbs, hashish, alcohol, and choked their patients to relieve pain during surgery
    • nitrous oxide was discovered
    • puts people into a deep sleep so they don’t feel any pain during surgery
  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
    • Found penicillin killed life threatening bacteria
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    • found conscious and unconscious parts of the mind
    • led to the understanding of psychosomatic illness
  • Gerhard Domagk

    Gerhard Domagk
    -Discovered sulfonamide compounds (first medications effective in killing bacteria, this killed deadly diseases)
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    -found out that the dead polio virus would cause immunity to the poliomyelitis
  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    -used a live polio virus
    -used to immunize babies against Salk’s virus
  • Francis Crick and James Watson

    Francis Crick and James Watson
    -Found the the molecular structure of DNA
    -explains how DNA replicates
  • Christian Barnard

    Christian Barnard
    Preformed the first successful heart transplant
  • Ben Carson

    Ben Carson
    -Pioneer in separating Siamese twins
    -preforming hemispherectomies (on the brain to stop seizures)
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Targeted cancer treatment

    Targeted cancer treatment
    -pills that only attack the bad cells in ones body
    -has better long term affect than chemo/radiation
  • HIV Treatment

    HIV Treatment
    • keeps them in HIV positive status longer -prevents HIV
  • Telemedicine

    -over the phone advice
    -increased over covid (people weren’t leaving their homes so if they had concerns they would use telemedicine)
    -saves money and time (rather than going into the clinic)
  • Artificial organs

    Artificial organs
    • high demand for organs
    • heart, bone, liver, muscles, eyes, skin have worked
    • saves people who are in need of organs
  • Functional MRI

    Functional MRI
    -lets doctors see what the brain does