History of Health Care

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    The first early tracheotomy was performed by Asclepiades of Bithynia. Shortly after these tracheotomy surgeries many people got an infection called dyspnea, which many times lead to death because they didn't sterilize instruments at the time.
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    Barber Surgeons

    During the middle ages barbers were also surgeons. They performed cataracts, bloodletting, and they pulled teeth. They also would help injured soliders in the war; they could amputate arms and legs
  • Period: 200 to Sep 4, 1500

    History of Health Care

    The first early tracheotomy was performed by Asclepiades of Bithnia.
  • Period: 500 to Sep 9, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 9, 1300

    islamic hospitals; health care for the sick

    Around the 1300 the Islamic medical community began to develop and utilize a system of medicene based on scientific analysis.
  • Sep 9, 1350

    christian monasteries founded to treat the ill

    They would drill into the skull to "release evil spirits." This is called Trephining.
  • Period: Sep 9, 1350 to


  • Sep 9, 1500

    Printing Press allow for publication of discoveries

    Inventiing the printing press made it possible to publish books alot faster. So information about new discoveries of like infections and viruses and could be spread quickly.
  • The Microscope

    The invention of the microscope allowed more accurate observations of patients and their symptoms. It allowed people to see further into the infections and what caused it.
  • Scientific Method

    The scientific method first came into play in Europe. It was a change in the way people thought about medicene and research. Instesad of people guessing on all of their work they had things to back them up. This method was not common practice during the Middle Ages.
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria

    Van Leeuwenhoek discovered protozoa, which is a singled celled organism that he called animalcules. Leeeuwenhoek was also the first to study muscle fibers, spermatozoa, and blood flow in capilaries.
  • Human Anatomy

    Human Anatomy was forbidden by churches in the past. There were many riots that often took place because the surgeon wanted to claim the body. Later after human anatomy was forbidden surgeons would start to rob graves.
  • Plague fleas

    A plague flea is a zoonotic disease which is one of 3 types of bacterial infections. Plague fleas were found by Francis Bacon with a microscope.
  • 1st Vaccination

    The very first vaccination was a smallpox vaccination. Edward Jenner was not the first person to discover the vaccination but he was the first to confer its scientific status.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Practice of medical asepsis

    This is the process of removing pathogenic microorganisms.
  • importance of handwashing

    importance of handwashing
    Handwashing is very important especially if your a doctor. it can prevent spreading diseases and viruses.
  • cholera

    cholera is an infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery direaha. This disease is usually transmitted by contaminated food or water.
  • Bubonic plague

    Bubonic plague
    Fleas can transmit this disease to humans. Once people are infected the disease can spread very rapidly. The disease can kill you very fast
  • organ transplants

    The first succesful organ transplant took place in 1954. The discovery of the thyroid gland was founded at the same time as the organ transplant.
  • penicillin

    penicillian is a group of antibiotics derived from penicillin fungi. This stuff fights bacteria in your body all over.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    the first vaccine was created by salk and it uses HeLA cells. There are 2 different kinds of vaccines for polio.
  • CAT scans

    CAT scans
    Are like x-ray machines but you lay down on a table like thing and pass through the machine.
  • Aids

    aids is the final disease of HIV. Which causes alot of damage to the immune system.
  • Rhazes discovers the difference between smallpox and measles

    Small pox is a infectious disease that leaves a rashes all over your skin and is often deadly.
    Measles is a childhood infection caused by a virus. It can often be fatal to small children