
history of graphics timeline

  • Sep 17, 1276

    Printing arrives in Europe with a paper mill in Fabriano, Italy.

  • Jan 1, 1440

    gutenbergs printing press

    gutenbergs printing press
    Gutenberg completed his wooden press which used movable metal type. *This invention was based on the wine press. *The spread of the written word was key to the developement of science, arts, and religion
  • Sep 24, 1450

    Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenburg credited with perfecting the system for printing type in books.

  • Sep 17, 1452

    42 line bible

    42 line bible
    • The first mass produced book in history. *Printed by Johannes Gutenberg *there is today some debate among scholars over whether this may be correctly considered the first printed book, as items had been printed in Europe from solid block type, rather than moveable type, since the fourteenth century.
  • Sep 17, 1460

    Albrecht Pfister the first to add illustrations to a printed book.

  • Sep 24, 1470

    Nicolas Jenson, considered one of history’s greatest typeface designers, sets news standard for Roman type

  • Sep 17, 1493

    nuremberg chronicle

    nuremberg chronicle
    The Nuremberg Chronicle * written in Latin by Hartmann Schedel, a doctor from Nuremberg. It was commonly referred to as the Nuremberg Chronicles, although it never had a title page. *Depicts the history of the world with over 1800 beautiful woodcut illustrations, some hand coloured *an estimated 1100 copies of this book survive today
  • Sep 24, 1530

    Claude Garamond opens first type foundry, developing and selling fonts to printers.

  • Industrial Revolution begins, setting the stage for advances in graphic design production.

  • Author Aloys Senefelder develops lithography.

  • Lord Stanhope invents first printing press made of all cast-iron parts, requiring 1/10 the manual labor and doubling the possible paper size.

  • First sans-serif font makes a subtle entrance as one line of a book.

  • Williams Morris, who became a highly influential figure in design history, sets up art-decorating firm.

  • Chromolithography developed

    Chromolithography developed
    Chromolithography is a method for making multi-color prints. This type of color printing stemmed from the process of lithography, and it includes all types of lithography that are printed in colour.
  • Development of halftone screen allows for first photo printed with a full range of tones

  • linotype

    • Ivented by a German clockmaker, Ottmar Mergenthaler * revolutionized printing and especially newspaper publishing, * The name of the machine comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once, hence a line-o-type. This allows much faster typesetting and composition than original hand composition in which operators place down one pre-cast metal letter, punctuation mark or space at a time.
  • Art Nouveau movement begins and changes design, making its way into all types of commercial design and utilizing all types of arts.

  • kelmskott press

    kelmskott press
    • Ivented by a German clockmaker, Ottmar Mergenthaler * revolutionized printing and especially newspaper publishing, * The name of the machine comes from the fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once, hence a line-o-type. This allows much faster typesetting and composition than original hand composition in which operators place down one pre-cast metal letter, punctuation mark or space at a time.
  • Period: to


  • I Want YOU for the U.S. Army

    I Want YOU for the U.S. Army
    James Montgomery Flagg designs famous “I Want YOU for the U.S. Army” poster. The poster, a self-portrait, was actually an American version of a British poster by Alfred Leete.
  • Bauhaus, a German school, is founded

    Bauhaus, a German school, is founded
    The Bauhaus, a German school, is founded, eventually providing the framework for modern design.
  • Stanley Morison oversees design of Times New Roman font, commissioned by the Times of London.

    Stanley Morison oversees design of Times New Roman font, commissioned by the Times of London.
  • Period: to


  • first computer mouse

    first computer mouse
    Douglas Engelbart develops first computer mouse, setting the stage for the future tool of graphic design.
  • first apple macintosh computer

    first apple macintosh computer
    Apple releases first Macintosh computer, featuring bitmap graphics.
  • Aldus, formed by Paul Brainerd, develops PageMaker software.

    Aldus, formed by Paul Brainerd, develops PageMaker software.
    Aldus, formed by Paul Brainerd, develops PageMaker software.Brainerd coins the phrase “desktop publishing.” In the same year, New York firm Manhattan Design creates the MTV logo.
  • Photoshop version one released

    Photoshop version one released
    Photoshop version one released, and physicist Tim Berners-Lee develops the world wide web, along with HTML and the concept of website addresses.
  • book of kells

    book of kells
    the book of kells is the early form of graphics in the form of a bible. there are many others of these illminated mnucripts but the boo of kells is the most famous