History Of Graphic Design

By hillme
  • 38,000 BCE

    Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    Cavemen use images to communicate with others
  • 700

    Medieval Calligraphy

    Medieval Calligraphy
    People began expressing themselves with letters and words
  • 1389

    Storefront Signs

    Storefront Signs
    Taverns and other shops begin using signs to identify their establishments
  • 1439

    Gutenberg Press

    Gutenberg Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invents the first printing press
  • First Print Advertisements

    First Print Advertisements
    The press begins printing off advertisements
  • "Graphic Design" is First Termed

    William Addison Dwiggins describes his work as 'graphic design' in the first recorded use of that term to describe its modern context
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop is released, making it easier for graphic designers to edit pictures and visuals
  • Graphic Design's History Still Continues!

    Graphic design continues to this day to get more advanced!