History of Graphic Design

  • 1000

    Chinese Printing

    Chinese Printing
    Around the 1000s, the Chinese people printed words on woodblocks, silk, and even paper to showcase information.
  • Period: 1000 to

    History of Graphic Design

  • 1100

    European Coat of Arms

    European Coat of Arms
    During the Crusades, the people created the first logos to set themselves apart from the other warring nations.
  • 1389

    Signs for Businesses

    Signs for Businesses
    King Richard II declared that the businesses who sold ale or beer must have a sign declaring who they were. This helped separate businesses in medieval times and in modern times as well.
  • 1439

    Gutenberg Press

    Gutenberg Press
    The Gutenberg Press was a landmark in graphic design, since people now had access to books, advertisements, and all the other things that come with printing. This helped graphic design get a start, since creators could have their art become widespread.
  • Print Advertisements

    Print Advertisements
    Businesses could now create advertisements for their products. Businesses required graphic designers to help make their products eye-catching.
  • The Term "Graphic Design" Appears

    The Term "Graphic Design" Appears
    Book designer William Addison used the term to describe what he did for a living in his book, "New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design". This term is now used throughout the world to describe online artists.
  • Thoughts on Design is Published

    Thoughts on Design is Published
    This book introduced the concept of logos among many other things. The author, Paul Rand, gave many different theories that helped to shape the world of graphic design. *Note: All of this information was found at 99designs at this link https://99designs.com/blog/design-history-movements/history-graphic-design/ (with exceptions for the "Graphic Design Today" picture)
  • Graphic Design Today

    Graphic Design Today
    The term "graphic designer" means someone who creates digital art. While there are differences among the graphic designers today and the artists who created calligraphy, the idea of creativity and spreading ideas still survives today. *Note: Picture for "Graphic Design Today" was found at Looka, at this website, https://looka.com/blog/frustrations-of-working-with-a-freelance-graphic-designer/