Victorian graphic design Era
The Victorian design Era was from 1837 to 1907. during this time queen Victoria reign over great Britain, she influence and promoted strong moral and Religious belief. -
Arts & Crafts Graphic Design movement
during this era the was no particular art style, but more of a cosmetic style or like aesthetic like stained glass or pottery or furniture looked a certain way. this was from 1880 to 1910. -
Art Nouveau Graphic Design Style
Art Nouveau Design Style started sometime between 1890 and 1920. this was a type of line art. -
Futurism art Style
Futurism art Style started in Italy during 1900 1930. this art style focused on the future and the youth. -
Heroic Realism Graphic Design Style
Heroic Realism Graphic Design Style lasted from 1900 to the 1940's.
this was art and propaganda used to persuade people to buy war bonds . -
Early Modern art Style
Early Modern Graphic Design Style lasted from 1910 to the year 1935 where it had a massive drop in popularity.this was a new type of abstract, modern, and new art. -
Art Deco Design Style
Art Deco started around 1920 and ended around 1940. and was focused on nature and man made object. -
Late Modern Graphic Design
Late Modern Graphic Design Style started in 1945 ended in 1960. this was the official end. -
American Kitsch Graphic Design Style: 1950's
American Kitsch was a futuristic art style that was very popular durning 1950's. was known as the 50's art. -
Psychedelic Graphic Design Style
Psychedelic Graphic Design Style was during the 1960's. this style refused to music and art alike. -
Swiss/International Graphic Design
Swiss/International Graphic Design Style started 1940 to the 1980's. this was popular among designers, who called themselves "Swiss designers" -
Post Modern Graphic Design Style
Post Modern Graphic Design Style ws revived during the 1970's and 1980's. -
Grunge Graphic Design Style
Grunge Graphic Design Style was during 2000 to now.Grunge is a present type of art