First Glue Company
Peter Cooper starts glue company -
First Glue Company
Discovery of rubber vulcantion mark birth of synthetic plastic and adhesives -
Different Adhesives
Adhesives using pheilic launched -
The Making Of Clear Glue
The searching for materials to make clear plastic gun sights -
Investigating Heat Resistant Poymers
Investigating heat resistant polymers, Coover retested cyanoacrylates -
Henry Cooper receives US patent for cyanoacrylates -
Rediscovered Cyanoacrlates
Researchers rediscovered cyanoacrlates -
Display of Glue
In famous demonstration Dr. Coover displayed the strength of glue -
Eastman Sold Cyanoacrylates
Eastman sold cyanoacrylates to Lociter who changed the packaging -
Glue to Seal Wounds
Eastman submitted an applicatin to use cyanoacrylate to glue wounds