The history of globalization has evolved from trading, technology, and advances towards government.
By brellkay
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Culombus traded spices in newfound America (nber).
When Christopher Columbus traveled to America, there were people already captivating the large land. These people offered goods in exchange for other products owned by Spain. Spices were a good trade. This a is good start for globalization. The trading between two unknown commuunities shares cultural products, limited products, and build a bond between them. -
Declaration of Independence (nber).
The Declaration of Independence was a document that stated the laws and requirements of America. Documents like these are found all over the globe. They all state what the standard rules to follow are. These documents hold a control over the outbreaks in each sytem of a nation. Without them, the world would be unorganized as a whole. Globalization requires the control that many nations have required. It is important to have a hold on the government, and to be prepared for everything. -
First telephone (Raza).
A telephone is a device that connects others through calls and texts. Majority of the world has a personal cellphone or access to one. The creation of the cellular communication device gave expansions to people all across the globe. This helps globalization expand and connect to every culture with the press of a few buttons. -
First Earth Day (Martens)
World Wide Web (Raza).
World Trade Organization (Martens).
The World Trade Organization is an intergovernmental organization which regulates international trade. With a organization, with eyes from government, trade can be sent succesfully. With the this system, trades can be sent from place to place with more accuracy,organization, and a promise for both nations. This trade system is important for the expand and reaching to larger areas during Globalization.