
history of geology

By lynn43
  • Cambrian Period

    Microscopic life, on Earth for most of its long history, now takes a great leap forward and grows to the point it is visible. After eons of inferno heat and freezing waste, the temperature warmed. Complex animals such as mollusks date from this time, swimming along the long coastlines of continental shelves.
  • paleozoic era

    about 542 million years ago to 251 million years ago, was a time of great change on Earth. The era began with the breakup of one super continent and the formation of another. Plants became widespread. And the first vertebrate animals colonized land. This era is one of 3 earliest eras.
  • mezozoic era

    The Mesozoic Era is the age of the dinosaurs and lasted almost 180 million years from about 250 to 65 million years ago. This era has 3 well known periods called the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. A mass-extinction marked the beginning and end of the Mesozoic Era.
  • Archean eon

    The Archean Eon began about 4 billion years ago with the formation of Earth’s crust.The start of the Archean Eon is only defined by the isotopic age of the earliest rocks.Towards the end of Archean helped set the stage for the increase in atmospheric oxygen.
  • Phanerozoic eon

    About 543 million years ago The beginning of the Phanerozoic million years ago was thought to coincide with the beginning of life. This eon shows the appearance of animals that evolved external skeletons, like shells, and the somewhat later animals that formed internal skeletons, such as the bony elements of vertebrates.
  • cenozoic Era

    The Cenozoic Era meaning "new life" is the current and most recent of the three geological eras of the Phanerozoic Eon. It follows the Mesozoic Era and extends from 66 million years ago to the present
  • Proterozoic Eon

    2.5 billion years ago. Plate tectonics reshape the look of the Earth, continents emerge, at one point the whole planet was covered with ice, called the 'snowball earth.' Oxygen, the gas we breath, became more dense, and that gave more energy for things to grow bigger.
  • Laurasia

    Laurasia, a portmanteau for Laurentia and Asia, was the more northern of two minor supercontinents that formed part of the Pangaea supercontinent from c. 425 million years ago to 200
  • columbia

    one of Earth's ancient supercontinents. It was first proposed by Rogers & Santosh 2002 and is thought to have existed approximately 2,500 to 1,500 million years ago in the Paleoproterozoic Era. The assembly of the supercontinent Columbia was completed by global-scale collisional events.
  • Pangea

    Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units about 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago.