History of Gaming
This is where it all started -
Period: to
History of Gaming
First Game
Willy Higinbotham invents the first video game at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. His game, a table tennis-like game, was played on an oscilloscope. -
Steve Russel, a student at the Massachusettes Institues of Technology creates spacewar, the first interactive computer game. It runs on a Digital PDP-1 mainframe computer. But this game failed since it was to complex. -
Ralph Baer
Ralph baer, an engineer at Sanders Associates receives support from his company a military electronics consulting firm in NH. To go through with his idea of creating interactive games using a television. -
Baer and his team are succsessful in creating two interactive TV games; a chase game and a tennis game. They also made a toy gun the to detect the spots of light on the TV screen -
Magnavox licenses Baer's TV game from Sanders Associates. Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney begin their attempt to create an arcade version of Spacewar, calling it Computer Space. -
Computer Space
Computer Space becomes first video arcade game ever released. 1500 games are distributed. Public consensus is that it is too difficult to play. -
The first home video game system
Magnavox Odyssey, the first ever home video game system is showcased in a convention in burlingame and realeased later that year.
Bushnell and Dabney found Atari. They name the company after a term from the Japanese game "Go". Atari is equivalent to "check" in a chess game.
Which then go on to make there first game Pong -
Ataris pong is released with the help from Sears Roebuck, which finances the production of 150,000 units. It becomes the hottest selling Christmas present. Sears sells the product exclusively, with the Sears Tele-Games logo. -
Coleco releases its first home video-game console called Telstar.
Fairfield Camera & Instrument debuts its Video Entertainment System which is known later as Channel F. The first programmable (cartridge-based) home game console, it allowed users to change games by switching cartridges that resembled 8-track audio tapes. -
Atari introduces its first cartridge-based home video system called the Video Computer System which later becomes known as the Atari 2600. It retails for £249.95. -
Atari and Space Invaders
Atari make Football and is introduced to arcade games as well as another arcade game called Space Invaders.
Atari attempts to enter the computer industry to compete against Apple. They are not taken seriously. -
New games and a Console
Mattel's Intelivision is the first real competitor to the Atari 2600 the graphics are better than Ataris but cost more.
Activision is the first third party vdeo game vendor.
The first 3-D game Battlezone is created and was made for the army.
The new game Defender introduces a virtual world to play in. -
Cinematronics debuts Rick Dyer's Dragon Lair, the first video game to feature laser-disc technology. Nintendo introduces the Famicom in Japan—later known as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the U.S. -
Tetris is is developed by Russian programmer Alex Pajitnov. It is played on a PC. -
NES and Sega
The NES is released and Sega makes the Sega Master System to compete with them -
2 New consoles
Nintendo release the Game Boy for £109 Sega debuts the Genises £295.95 -
Super NES
Super NES is released in the U.S for $249.95 -
Atari releases the Jaguar, attempting to be the first 64-bit console on the market. The product actually runs two 32-bit processors. -
Resulting from the Senate investigation, the Entertainment Software Rating Board is created. Rating are now given to video games and are marked on the games' packaging to indicate the suggested age of players and violent content. -
Sony brings the PlayStation to the U.S. and sells the console for $299. Later on everywhere else -
Playstation is considered by many in the industry as most popular game console as the 20 millionth unit is sold. -
Pac-Man Pro
Billy Mitchell attains a score of 3,333,360 in the game Pac-Man. This is the highest possible score a player can get.
As a result of the shootings that occured Columbine High School. Seaga had said that they will not release the light gun with the dreamcast in the U.S. -
Sony's PlayStation 2 in released for £299.99
Whilst a new game called Sims which was to be a great hit. -
Xbox game Boy Advance and Games
In June 22nd Nintendo developed the Game Boy Advance it was a 32 bit handheld video game concole. The Game Boy Advance series sold 81.51 units worldwide.
Soon after the new competition to the Playstation was to be the Xbox a video game console created by Microsoft and the owner Bill Gates. At a worldwide sales of it at 24million beating the PlayStation's record.
In September 6th Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses was released, the video game had been based on the Wars of the Roses.