Forensics skeleton

HIstory of Forensics

  • 700 BCE

    The beginning of Forensics

    When the Chinese used fingerprints to establish the identity of documents and clay sculptures.
  • Sep 8, 1248

    Forensics Book

    First forensic manual by the chinese. First known medical knowledge.
  • John Tomms

    First recorded instance of physical matching of evidence leading to a murder conviction. Evidence was a torn edge of newspaper in a pistol that matched newspaper in his pocket.
  • Substantial progress

    A bullet comparison used to catch a murderer.
    The development of the first crystal test for hemoglobin using hemin crystals.
    The first use of photography for the identification of criminals and documentation of evidence and crime scenes.
    The first recorded use of fingerprints to solve a crime.
  • Poisoning

    German chemist Valentin Ross developed a method of detecting arsenic in a victim's stomach, thus advancing the investigation of poison deaths.
  • Sherlock Holmes

    Coroner's act established that coroners' were to determine the causes of sudden, violent, and unnatural deaths. Arthur Conan Doyle also publishes the first Sherlock Holmes story.
  • Forensics was significantly applied

    Doctors in London, England, were allowed to examine the victims of Jack the Ripper for wound patterns.
  • Major events happened

    Almost every year we had major forensics advancements.
  • Education

    First school of forensic science founded by Rodolphe Archibald Reiss, in Switzerland
  • Bullet Comparison

    Establishment of the popular practice of using the comparison microscope for bullet comparison.
  • Blood Typing

    Development of the absorption-inhibition ABO blood typing technique
  • Contrast Microscope

    Invention of the first interference contrast microscope by Dutch physicist Frits Zernike
  • Federal Rules

    Enactment of the Federal Rules of Evidence
  • DNA Profiling

    the introduction of DNA profiling in the U.S.
  • DNA

    DNA Databank legislation was enacted
  • Period: to

    21st Century

    Develops online footwear coding and detection system. Developed software that automatically matches hand-drawn facial sketches to mug shots stored in databases. Japanese researchers develop a dental x-ray matching system.