First flying kite
Built by Chinese 400 B.C.E -
Jan 1, 1485
Leonardo Da Vinci designed a wing-flapping aircraft
"Ornithopter" Image 2: (2010). Leonardo Da Vinci’s conceptual design for a flapping wing flying machine. Human powered ornithopter project. Retrieved from http://hpo.ornithopter.net/?q=content/abrief-history-human-powered-aviation-andornithopters -
Period: Jan 1, 1485 to
History of Flight
Duck, Sheep, and a Rooster Launched in a Hot Air-Balloon
Image 3: (2008). Hot air balloon. The old barn. Retrieved from
http://www.theoldbarnonline.com/Hot_Air_Balloons -
1st 3 Winged Glider
Designed by Sir George Cayley - it elevates a human off of the ground Image 4: Steve Spicer (1996). The multi winged Chanute machine. The octave Chanute pages. Retrieved from http://spicerweb.org/Chanute/WingsOffDunes.aspx -
1st Practical Glider
Built for long flights by Otto Lilienthal Image 5: (1896). Otto Liliethal. Wikipedia. Retrieved from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Lilienthal -
1st Power Airplane - Wright Brothers
Wright Brothers Developed the 1st airplane that had a pilot, power, control, and could fly Image 6: Paul Sherman. (2010). Wright brothers. WP clipart. Retrieved from http://www.wpclipart.com/famous/inventors/Wright_Brothers.png.html -
1st Free Flying Helicopter
Built by Paul Cornu Image 7: (2013). Paul Cornu. Cornu helicopter: Paul et antoinette. Retrieved from
http://elpoderdelasgalaxias.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/cornu-helicopter-paul-etantoinette/ -
1st Fatal Air Crash
A passenger in a plane built by Orville Wright Image 8: (2013). Burning aircraft. Wikipedia. Retrieved from
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accidents_and_incidents_involving_military_aircraf_(1950%E2%80%9354) -
1st Nonstop Flight
Across the Mediterranean Sea (700km) by Roland Garros Image 9: Kevin Grieves. (2011). First non-stop flight. The modern historian. Retrieved from
http://modernhistorian.blogspot.ca/2011/03/on-this-day-in-history-first-non-stop.html -
1st bombs dropped from plane
In Paris during WWI Image 10: (2013). Dropping bombs from plane. Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_B-52_Stratofortress -
Atlantic Ocean Crossing
Two Canadians (John Alcock and Arthur Brown) Fly nonstop Across the Atlantic Ocean Image 11: Suzanne Kelleher. (2014). Plane over atlantic. Minitime. Retrieved from http://www.minitime.com/trip-tips/Snag-Low-Airfares-Like-A-Pro-article -
1st Liquid Fuelled Rocket
Robert Goddard launches 1st liquid fuelled rocket Image 12: (2011). First liquid fuelled rocket. Nemexia. Retrieved from http://blog.nemexia.com/2011/03/18/first-liquid-fuel-rocket/ -
nonstop flight from New York to Paris
Charles Lindberg flies the Spirit of St. Louis Image 13: (2014) Statue of liberty. Burgess. Retrieved from
http://www.burgessyachts.com/en/locations/new-york -
Amelia Earhart
History of Amelia 1st woman to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean Image 14: (2013). Amelia earhart. Postal museum. Retrieved from http://postalmuseum.si.edu/collections/object-spotlight/earhart-mail.html -
1st successful helicopter
by Sikorsky Image 15: (2011). First successful helicopter. Sikorsky product history. Retrieved from http://www.sikorskyarchives.com/VS-300_Helicopter.php -
WWII begins
WWII begins as German Planes help Hitler overwhelm Europe Image 16: (2014). War begins newspaper headline. Causes of world war one. Retrieved from http://smithmeyerperiod2-4.wikispaces.com/01+Causes+of+War -
American Navy Crippled by Japanese Planes
In Pearl Harbor, Japanese planes, taking off from aircraft carriers, cripple the American navy in a surprise attack. Image 17: (2007). American Navy. Patterns from the past. Retrieved from http://oldpatterns.blogspot.ca/2007/05/girl-scouts-old-way.html -
WWII ends
The United States drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending WWII. Image 18: (1945). Peace. Newspapers proclaiming the end of wwii. Retrieved from http://wd4eui.com/1945_Newspaper.html -
Sound Barrier is Broken
The X-1 piloted by Chuck Yeager, breaks the sound barrier, at a speed of Mach 1.015. Image 19: (2011). Sound barrier is broken. Wallpaper. Retrieved from http://www.wallpaper4me.com/google-skin/Sound-Barrier-Broken/ -
1st person in space
Yuri Gargarin becomes the first person in space. Image 20: (2013). Yuri Gagarin. Yuri Gagarin. Retrieved from
http://www.vibrationdata.com/space/Yuri.htm -
Flight around the World
Space shuttle Voyager flown around the world by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager. Image 21: (2010). Beautiful world. Bald hiker. Retrieved from
http://www.baldhiker.com/category/beautifulworld/ -
1st stealth aircraft
The world’s first Stealth aircraft is used in the Gulf War Image 22: (2014). Stealth aircraft. Wikipedia. Retrieved from