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History of Fingerprints

  • 100,000 BCE

    The origin of finger printing

    The origin of finger printing
    In ancient Babylon fingerprints were used on clay for business transactions
  • Fingerprint patterns are noticed

    Fingerprint patterns are noticed
    First noticed by Marcello Malpighi, he was the first person to look at the patterns created by fingerprints, such as loops and swirls.
  • Nine patterns detected

    Nine patterns detected
    Johannes Evengelista Purkinje found and used nine different fingerprint patterns for identification.
  • The collector of fingerprints

    The collector of fingerprints
    His name was William Herschel and he was the original finger print collector. He matched peoples identity with their prints.
  • First time fingerprints were used to identify someone

    First time fingerprints were used to identify someone
    Dr. Henry Faulds used fingerprinting to see who was the culprit of lying a glass bottle on the ground and abandoning it. He was matched using finger prints.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    Developed the classification system, which is still very relevant in today's world.
  • Finger prints used to solve a crime

    Finger prints used to solve a crime
    Police in Argentina found a bloody fingerprint that was used to identify the murderer.
  • America uses fingerprints.

    America uses fingerprints.
    The NYPD used fingerprints to help solved crimes, this was the first time this was used to help solve crimes in the USA.
  • Computerized fingerprinting

    Computerized fingerprinting
    This was the first time fingerprint could be stored digitally and can match suspects to their prints instantly
  • Child fingerprinting

    Child fingerprinting
    It became a commonality that children get their fingerprints on file so if they were ever lost, they can be identifiable. This has saved countless young lives.