History of Fingerprinting

  • Dr.Nehemiah

    Wrote a paper describing the patterns that he saw on humans hand under a microscope.
  • Dr.Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer

    Dr.Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer
    Describe that the arrangement of skin ridges is never duplicated in two persons.
  • Dr.Jan Evangelist Purkyn

    Dr.Jan Evangelist Purkyn
    Describe 9 different fingerprints patterns, including loops, spirals, circles, and double whorls.
  • Dr.William Herschel

    Dr.William Herschel
    He collected fingerprints and noted that the patterns were unique and were not altered by age.
  • Dr.Alphonse Bertillon

    Dr.Alphonse Bertillon
    Create a way to identify criminals and in the year 1883 was the first time they used Dr.Alphonse Bertillon way to identify a criminal.
  • Dr.Francis Galton

    Dr.Francis Galton
    Verified that fingerprints do not change with age.
  • Dr.Ivan Vucetich

    Dr.Ivan Vucetich
    He invented a better way of collecting fingerprint impressions.
  • Dr.Edmund Richard Henry

    Dr.Edmund Richard Henry
    He created a system that divided fingerprint records into groups based on their pattern