History of Fingerprinting

  • Period: 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE

    earliest record

    Archaeologists find fingerprints on clay tablets and with ink on records and documents dating back for thousands of years.
  • Dr. Nehemiah

    Dr. Nehemiah
    Wrote a paper describing fingerprint pattern by observing the patterns under a microscope.
  • Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer

    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer
    Followed up on Dr. Nehemiah’s work, stating “the arrangement of skin ridges is never duplicated in two persons.”
  • Jan Evangelist Purkyn

    Jan Evangelist Purkyn
    She was able to describe nine different fingerprint patterns. These patterns consist of loops, whorls, spirals, double whorls and arches.
  • Sir William Herschel

    Sir William Herschel
    He became collecting fingerprints.
  • Ivan (Juan) Vucetich

    Ivan (Juan) Vucetich
    He improved fingerprint collecting. He created his own classification system and inventing better ways to collect fingerprints at crime scenes.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry

    Sir Edmund Richard Henry
    He along with two colleagues devised a system which divided the fingerprint records into groups. These groups were based on if the print was an arch, whorl, or loop pattern.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    Sir Francis Galton was the first man credited with solving a murder crime with fingerprints. He also validated that fingerprints don't change with age.
  • first fingerprint database

    first fingerprint database
    It would take about three months to look through files of fingerprints manually to find a match.
  • AFIS

    A digital system that stores all the fingerprint in the database. It does automated fingerprint searches, electronic storage of fingerprint photos and test results.