The Bet
At a racetrack, there was a bet that when a horse was gallopping at full speed, that all of it's legs were off the ground. This was a 25,000 bet. To prove the idea, they put cameras all along the racetrack and took a photo when the horse passed each one. Eventually the bet was won. -
Light bulb
Thomas Edison created the light bulb and the pheonograph. This started everything because he then late created the way to watch the moving pictures as long as help with why Hollywood is where it's at. -
Moving Pictures
Moving Pictures, was a small thing were people could go and look through something and see, moving pictures. They would do this in Paris and would pay just a little for a short movie. Everyone was amazed by this. -
Lumiere Brothers
The Lumiere brothers created the first projector, although so had Thomas Edison, but he just didn't want to share it. They created this in Frace, while also coming up with the new word cinematographe. -
Nickelodeon was a theatre that had opened up. It was a nickel to watch one of the shows or movies inside it and they were only like 30-60 seconds long -
Nickelodeon small shows
Nickelodeon began to do shows/plays and then they'd have other people come up and act or play the piano. That's not what the audience wanted though so they would boo them off the stage. -
Real Story Line Show
The real show that ever had a movie with a story line was created by Thomas Edision. It was called The Great Train Robbery. It ran 12 minutes long and because of the length everyone was excited to watch it. -
26 Million Veiwers!
In 1910 the theatres of nickelodeon were getting 26 million veiwers a week. And then by the next year they were getting more than double that. -
Motion Pictures Patent Company. Created by Thomas Edison where he owned all the photography equiptment and the actors/actresses. This made it extremely hard to create your own movie. -
Moving to LA
People started to Move to La because they were away from the MPPC, had great scenery, and then also could escape to Mexico if they were going to get caught by the MPPC -
No Fame
The MPPC didn't want any of their people or actors to state their names because they didn't want them to gather fame and earn more money. At the same time, the independant studios wanted their people to become famous because then more people would want to see the movie with their favorite actors in it. -
First 20th Centery Superstar
Charlie Chaplin was the first 20th centery superstar. He was more of a comedian. He was working at $150 a week and then later on the next year more than a million, which was a lot for someone in that time.