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History of FEMA-TJW

  • Disaster Relief Act of 1974

  • President Carter transmits to Congress Reorganization Plan Number 3

    President Carter transmits to Congress Reorganization Plan Number 3
    Establishes FEMA, which consolidated several disaster preparedness agencies and administrations into one consecutive body.
  • FEMA is officially established.

    FEMA is officially established.
    FEMA is established by executive order 12127.
  • Louis O. Giuffrida becomes head of FEMA

    Giuffrida is appointed director of FEMA by president Reagan.
  • General Julius Beacon becomes director of FEMA

    After several disagreements and problems with Giuffrida's style, Giuffrida resigns and President Reagon selects General Julius Beacon to become the new director of FEMA.
  • Period: to

    Wallace Stickeny becomes FEMA director

    With FEMA in internal conflicting and morl problems, President George HW Bush appoints Stickney as the new director of FEMA. His selectio was poorly recieved by many.
  • Hurricane Hugo

    Hurricane Hugo
    Hurricane Hugo lands in NC and SC, causing more than $15 billion in damages and 85 deaths. FEMA is slow to respond.
  • Loma Prieta Earthquake

    Loma Prieta Earthquake
    Loma Prieta earthquake rocks the Bay area of California, with FEMA unprepared to deal with the catastrophe.
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Hurricane Andrew
    Hurricane Andrew strikes Louisianna and Florida. FEMA fails to appropriately respond.
  • Hurricane Iniki

    Hurricane Iniki
    Hurricane Iniki strikes Hawaii. FEMA's failure to again respond appropriately causes people to call for its abolishment.
  • Period: to

    Witt Revolution

    President Clinton nominates James Lee Witt to be the new director. Under Witt, FEMA restores trust and instills reforms.
  • Midwest Floods

    Midwest Floods
    FEMa responds to the floods and recruits a large amount of volunteers to help residents move and relocate out of harm's way.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    With the occurence of the bombing, terrorism was added as an issue that America needed to be prepared for.
  • Project Impact

    Project Impact
    FEMA launches Project Impact: Building Disaster-Resistant Communities. By preparing for disaster before it struck, communities could reduce overall damages.
  • Joe Allbaugh named director.

    George W. Bush elects Joe Allbaugh as the new director of FEMA.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    FEMA activates the Federal Response Plan in New York and Virginia, with strong results.
  • Department of Homeland Security

    Department of Homeland Security
    The Department of Homeland Security is officially established.
  • Period: to

    Department of Homeland Security

    Almost immediately after the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the Department of Homeland Security was established.
  • FEMA is absorbed in the Department of Homeland Security

    FEMA is absorbed in the Department of Homeland Security
    As the emphasis on Homeland Security becomes greater, FEMA is absorbed into the department as the nation's emergency disaster and preparedness programs are all reorganized.
  • Joe Allbaugh resigns.

    Joe Allbaugh resigns as director; Michael Brown takes his place from within the DHS.
  • SAFE Port Act of 2005

    Security and Acountability for Every Port Act of 2005.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina makes landfall. The cracks and inconsistencies in the nation's emergency preparedness and management are exposed.
  • Period: to

    Hurricane Katrina and its Effects

    The failures and effects of Hurricane Katrina have and will continue to be felt for years to come.
  • Federal Judiciary Emergency Special Sessions Act of 2005

  • Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006

    Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006
    Expands FEMA's statuatory authority and regulates its operations more closely
  • Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006

    Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006
    Seeks to allow the evacuation of pets and service animals with their owners in the event of a disaster.
  • John Warner National Defense Authorization Act

    John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007