Morrill Land-Grant Acts
This act allowed western states to establish colleges that focused on agriculture and mechanic arts and provided farmers with new opportunities. The University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and Pine Bluff are the two in Arkansas. -
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
In 1873 the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff was established as one of the colleges under the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862. -
Ellen Swallow Richards
Ellen Swallow Richards was the first woman to be admitted into MIT, the school only opened in 1868. They had issues with her still however. -
W.O. Atwater
Thanks to the studies of W.O. Atwater the publication of the first 2600 chemical analysis of food was published. The study showed what was in the food we were buying and eating. -
Lake Placid Conference
Eleven people gathered at a conference in Lake Placid New York and founded home economics, a new career field. -
Martha Rensselaer
In 1900 Liberty Hyde Bailey invited Martha Rensselaer to establish a extension service focused on the rural women in New York. The program blossomed to more than 20,000 women in only five years. -
Caroline Hunt
In 1903 Caroline Hunt was appointed the first professor of home economics at the University of Wisconsin. However only five years later she was forced to resign. -
American Home Economics Association
Ellen Swallow Richards founded the American Home Economics Association, a precursor to the name change of the field of home economics. -
New Organization Chartered
In 1909 Ellen Swallow Richards founded the American Home Economics Association and on this day in 1910 it was officially chartered. -
Smith-Lever Act
The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 created cooperative extension services to educate about the advances in agriculture and technology. -
Smith Hughes Act
The Smith Hughes National Vocational Education Act of 1917 promoted agriculture, trades and industry, and homemaking education in the United States. -
The Betty Lamp
In 1926 the Betty Lamp was adopted as the symbol for the organization, which means to make better. -
Vocational Education Act
The funding from the Smith Hughes Act of 1917 was increased at this time, and employers were mandated to work with those in these type of programs. -
Vocational Education Act Amendment of 1968
After the act was established in 1963 it was amended in 1968 and extended aide and focused on those post secondary students. -
Vocational Education Act Amendment of 1973
After the initial act of 1963 and the first amendment of 1968 another amendment was made and focused on the Americans with disabilities, so they would not be discriminated against in such programs. -
Vocational Education Act Amendment of 1976
After the original act of 1963 and the subsequent amendments this amendment focused on cutting out the gender bias to make every that much more equal. -
Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Finance Literacy
After a series of tests and it was determined that only fifty percent of personal finance questions were being answered correct by high school students the organization joined this coalition to better educate students and people about financial literacy. -
Carl Perkins Act
This act was set into place to increase the education of technical fields in the United States in or to help the economy. It was to strengthen the career and technical education in the country. -
Since 2014 almost half a million people committed to fining in on December 3rd to celebrate Family and Consumer Sciences. December 3rd is the birthday of Ellen Swallow Richards. -
Cynthia Miller
On April 23, 2018 Cynthia Miller was named president of AAFCS and said, “As president of AAFCS, I will work collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure our membership experiences the value and relevance of everything we do to help them achieve success,” said Miller. “I will also be a strong advocate in expressing the importance of FCS at the state and federal levels, along with other FCS-related associations and industry partners.”