Catherine Beecher wrote 33 books mainly relating to home economics. -
Period: to
History of Family and Consumer Science
Beecher's book : A Treatise on Domestic Economy
First Book recognized by the State Department of Education -
Edward Youmans book : Household Science
This book consisted of the scientific study of air, heat, food and light. Later adopted by home economists. -
1st Morrill Act
Land was sold to benefit agricultural and mechanical arts -
Land Grant Universities in AR
University of Arkansas & University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff -
Land-Grant College Act
Also known as the Morrill Act. This act granted each state 30,000 acres for agricultural and mechanical arts. -
MIT Grants Ellen Richards Bachelor of Science
first woman to attend MIT -
Richards publishes: Chemistry of Cooking an Cleaning: A Manual for Housekeepers
Hatch Act Passed
Developed by the Central Office of Agricultural Experimental Stations -
Lake Placid Conference
This field adopted the name "Home Economics." -
2nd Morrill Act
Begins funding for black student colleges -
Rumford's Kitchen
Described the "science of nutrition." -
1st Nutritional Lunch School Programs
Event held by Ellen Richards in Boston -
10th Lake Placid Conference
American Home Economics Association was created -
Smith-Lever Act passed
creating Agricultural Extension Service -
Smith-Hughes Act passed
Established Federal Board of Vocational Education. Provided financial aid by paying for salaries of vocational teachers in the high school and even higher aid for training. -
Home Economics for boys
AHEA set goals applicable for females as well as males. -
Parenting classes were encouraged for men and women
Capper Ketcham Act
Extended Smith-Lever Act to cover home economics as well as agriculture. -
Vocational Act of 1963
Emphasized two types of home economics: useful employment (consumer) and gainful employment (occupational). 10% of funds must go towards relating occupational programs. -
Vocational Amendment
Name changed to consumer and homemaking education, stressed roles of homemaking and consumers. Created designated funds for this education -
Vocational Amendments of 1976
-provided funding over 1 billion dollars
-required state administration
-attempted to remove stereotypes (only beneficial for women) -
First black national president of FHA/HERO
Carl Perkins Act
Authorized largest amount of funds for vocational education. Bilingual vocational education. Required LEA to provide training for special populations. -
Profession name change
Family and Consumer Science -