Antoine Lavoisier
Lavoisier is known as the "Father of Nutrition and Chemistry." He discovered the process of how food is metabolized. -
Justus Liebig
Liebig was the first person to make the point of what the macromolecules, carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, are made out of. -
Justin Smith Morrill/Morrill Act of 1862
This act is that act that gave grants of lands to states to finance their establishing of collages specializing in agriculture and the art of mechanics. Morrill was the sponsor of this act that granted each state 30,000 acres for each one of it's seats in congress. -
Land Grant University
This is a university or college that was designated by the legislature of its state or Congress to receive the benefits from the Morrill Acts. -
University of Arkansas
This university is one of two land grant universities in Arkansas. -
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
This is another university in Arkansas that is a land grant university. -
American Home Economics Association
Eleven people gathered together at a conference and there the name "home economics" was coined for a new field. There then came a new organization that emerged in 1909 and was chartered in 1910. This organization is now known as the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. -
Ellen H. Richards.
Richards founded AHEH which was later named AAFCS. She was also an activist for consumer education, nutrition, child protection, women's rights, and the application of scientific management principles to family. -
E.V. McCollum
While McCollum worked for the USDA he discovered the first fat soluble vitamin, vitamin A. He also found that rats who were fed butter were healthier as opposed to lard, due to the vitamin A content. -
Dr. Casmir Funk
This physician coined the term "vitamins" as a vital nutrient in the diet. When he wrote about them, he wrote about them as undiscovered but knew they were present in foods and could present some foods such as scurvy. -
Smith Lever Act of 1914
This act established the cooperative extension services system to help inform people about the advances in agricultural practices and technology. -
Smith Hughes Act of 1917
This act provided federal aid to states with the intent of promoting precollegiate vocational education in agricultural and industrial trades, along with in home economics. -
William Rose
Rose discovered the essential amino acids (the building blocks of proteins.) -
Future Homemakers or America
FHA was a community leadership organization that was developed through cocurricular high school. It helped prepare girls for every area of a stay at home life. -
Vocational Education Acts of 1963 and 1965
This act provided grants for states to maintain, improve, and develop their vocational-technical education programs. -
Vocational Amendment of 1968 and 1973
This amendment extended the work of the 1963 Vocational Education Act, but with this amendment the focus was put on people rather than occupations. There are also national and state advisory councils that are required. -
Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972
This prohibited the discrimination of sex in education, so all courses (in this case FACS courses) were now open to everyone no matter their sex. -
Vocational Amendment of 1976
This amendment was used to improve the standards of vocational education and to also expand what it offered to disadvantaged kids and to eliminate sex bias along with stereotyping in the vocational education. -
Carl Perkins Act
This act was to provide academic and technical skills to individuals who need them to succeed in a knowledge and skills-based economy. -
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
By this time the field had changed its name and emphasis to now reflect other cultural and educational developments they were making. FHA was renamed to FCCLA.