Ellen Swallow Richards
first woman MIT graduate, focused on chemistry (science) to improve health, which made home economics an area of study, she also opened the door for women to pursue science careers.
(https://www.biography.com/people/ellen-richards-9457351) -
W.O. Atwater
founder of FACS profession and invented the Bomb Calorimeter and known as the "father of nutrition"
(Reference: class powerpoint) -
Justin Smith Morrill/Morrill Act of 1862
Provided funds and grants to states to establish universities focusing on "agriculture and mechanic arts."
(https://www.britannica.com/topic/Land-Grant-College-Act-of-1862) -
Land Grant University
University that received benefits from the Morrill Act of 1862.
(http://www.aplu.org/about-us/history-of-aplu/what-is-a-land-grant-university/index.html) -
Martha Rensselaer
Cornell University professor who taught home economics
(https://blogs.cornell.edu/cornellcostume/2018/03/19/martha-van-rensselaer-in-belgium/) -
C.F. Langworthy
wrote and edited books over home economics -
Lulu C. Graves
first president of the American Dietetics Association
(https://eatrightmich.org/about-us/history/) -
Land Grant University in AR
University of Arkansas & University of Arkansas Pine Bluff
(https://www.uark.edu/about/history.php) -
Smith Lever Act of 1914
Creating the Cooperative Extension Service
Reference: class powerpoint -
ADA Meeting
Cleveland, Ohio the first meeting held by the ADA
(https://eatrightfoundation.org/who-we-are/academy-history-timeline/) -
Smith Hughes Act of 1917
Established FACS as part of Vocational Education Reference: class powerpoint -
over 300 dietitians were hired by the American Red Cross for the Army.
(https://eatrightfoundation.org/who-we-are/academy-history-timeline/) -
ADA First Headquarters
Located in Riverside, Illinois
(https://eatrightfoundation.org/who-we-are/academy-history-timeline/) -
The School of Dietics
was organized as a 4-year program, 2-year of pre-diabetic training, and 2-year dietetic course.
(https://alliedhealth.llu.edu/academics/nutrition-and-dietetics/history-dietetics) -
Dietetic Internship
the establishment of the first graduate program for nutrition and dietic that would be required for every graduate after completing their collegiate education.
(https://alliedhealth.llu.edu/academics/nutrition-and-dietetics/history-dietetics) -
Vocational Educational Acts of 1963
provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vocational education programs.
(https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/kdves) -
Vocational Admendment of 1968
supplied new programs and new requirements for vocational education.
(https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED039352) -
Vocational Admendment of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act)
grants and services to states for vocational rehabilitation services
(https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/reg/narrative.html) -
Vocational Admendment of 1976
amendment to improve the program and eliminate sex discrimination and gender roles.
(https://w.taskstream.com/ts/blunk1/Unit419621983.html/fqhohq00flhwhshuh0h1hphlhw) -
Carl Perkins Act
act to strengthen careers and technical education