Justin Smith Morrill/Morrill Act of 1862
It was also known as the Land Grant College Act which allowed for the creation of land-grant colleges in US states using the proceeds of federal land sales. -
Land Grant University
An institution of higher education in the US designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 -
Hatch Act of 1887
The Hatch Act expanded the land-grant program to include fed funding for research and experiment stations. -
Smith Lever Act of 1914
A US federal law that established a system of cooperative extension serves, connected to the land-grant universities, in order to inform people about current development in agriculture, home economics, and public policy. -
Smith Hughes Act of 1917
This act provided federal aid to the states for the purpose of promoting precollegiate vocational education in agricultural and industrial trades and in home economics. -
The New Bureau
The Bureau of Home Economics was tasked with conducting investigate into three areas: food and nutrition, textile and clothing, and economics of home. -
Hidegarade Kneeland
She was appointed head of the "Economics of the Home' Branch of the Bureau. She led the 'USDA Time-Use Studies' which aimed to determine how much time rural and urban homemakers. -
The Food Industry
Food corporations start to employ home economists to create recipes and nutritional info for classroom use. -
George-Reed Act of 1929
The George Act of 1929 allowed for a 4-yr increase in funding to universities by $1 million annually to expand vocational education in agriculture and home economics. -
Self-Help Clothing for Children with Disabilities
This was the design of clothing patterns that would allow or easy movement of children as they engaged in active play. -
Agnes Faye Morgan
Chair of Department of Home Economics at the University of California at Berkeley was appointed to serve \on the President Roosevelt's first Nutritional Congress. -
The Bureau Engages in the War Efforts: Food
The Bureau issued many publications about food conservation, preparation, and consumption that were all designed to increase the amount of food available for both the troops overseas and the population left at home. -
The End of an Era
The Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics officvally ceased to exist in 1962 -
Vocational Education Acts of 1963
Vocational Education Act of 1963 authorized a major expansion and redirection of vocation education. -
Carl Perkins Act
The act reauthorized in 2006 provided an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improve state and local accountability.