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History of European Union

  • Schuman Declaration

    Schuman Declaration
    On 9 May 1950, in what became known as the Schuman Declaration, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman announced the creation of a European Coal and Steel Community placed under the control of a High Authority. Later, 9 May is celebrated by the European Union as 'Europe Day' and it is also celebrated as eTwinning Day.
  • European Coal and Steel Community

    European Coal and Steel Community
    Based on the Schuman plan, six countries sign a treaty to run their coal and steel industries under a common management. In this way, no single country can make the weapons of war to turn against others, as in the past. The six are Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The European Coal and Steel Community comes into being in 1952.
  • The creation of the E.E.C.

    The creation of the E.E.C.
    The Treaty of Rome is signed establishing the creation of the EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY.
  • First direct elections to the European Parliament

    First direct elections to the European Parliament
    European citizens directly elect the members of the European Parliament for the first time. Previously members were delegated by national parliaments.
  • Greece-the 10th country to join E.E.C.

    Greece-the 10th country to join E.E.C.
    Greece joins the European Communities. It has been eligible to do so since the military regime was overthrown and democracy restored in 1974
  • Launch of the Erasmus Programme

    Launch of the Erasmus Programme
    The Erasmus programme is launched to fund university students wishing to study in another European country. Since then, the programme has given over 10 million people the chance to study, train, volunteer or gain work experience abroad.
  • Maastricht Treaty- The creation of E.U.

    Maastricht Treaty- The creation of E.U.
    The Treaty on European Union is signed in Maastricht in the Netherlands. It is a major milestone, setting clear rules for the future single currency as well as for foreign and security policy and closer cooperation in justice and home affairs. The ‘European Union’ is officially created by the treaty, which enters into force on 1 November 1993.
  • Euro €

    Euro €
    Euro notes and coins launch in 12 countries
    Euro notes and coins become the legal currency in 12 EU countries (Greece joined the euro zone in 2001 and more follow after 2002). Notes are the same for all countries. Coins have one standard side, while the other carries a national emblem.
  • EU awarded Nobel Peace Prize

    EU awarded Nobel Peace Prize
    The European Union receives the Nobel Peace Prize at a ceremony in Oslo. The prize recognises the EU's contribution over 6 decades to promoting peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights.
  • Brexit - UK leaves the EU

    Brexit - UK leaves the EU
    Having been an EU Member State since 1973, the United Kingdom leaves the European Union, following the 2016 referendum result