
History of European Union

  • Born of ECSC

    Born of ECSC
    European Coal and Steel Community, formed by Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, Luxemburgh and Belgium.
  • Born of EEC

    Born of EEC
    European Economic Community, formed by the same 6 countries, with the goal of creating a brand new common market for the member states.
  • New members

    New members
    UK, Denmark and Ireland joined the EEC.
  • First election and born of EMS

    First election and born of EMS
    First direct election of the European Parliament and introduction of EMS (European Monetary System) to change the previous current exchange mechanism.
  • New member

    New member
    Greece joined the EEC and became the 10th member.
  • Schengen Agreements

    Schengen Agreements
    France, Germany and Benelux countries signed Schengen Agreements, made for introducing free moving between Schengen countries.
  • New countries and European flag

    New countries and European flag
    Portugal and Spain join the EEC and the European flag was introduced.
  • Maastricht Treaty

    Maastricht Treaty
    In December the European countries signed the Maastricht Treaty, for preparing for Monetary Union and for introducing elements of a political union. Born of the European Citizenship and introducing of European cooperation in foreign affairs (Security, Economy, Asylum, Immigration...).
  • New members

    New members
    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU which now has 15 member states.
  • Amsterdam Treaty

    Amsterdam Treaty
    It reforms the EU institutions in preparation for the arrival of future member countries.
  • Born of the Euro €

    Born of the Euro €
    Euro becomes the official European currency for 11 states, but Sweden, Denmark and UK that decided to mantain their own currency.
  • Nice Treaty

    Nice Treaty
    Nice Treaty signed that fix the operation of EU after reaching 25 countries.
  • Introduction of Euro

    Introduction of Euro
    Euro is officially introduced in 12 countries, after being elected the official EU currency. In a few months the old country currency were totally replaced.
  • New members

    New members
    Ten new countries join the EU: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
  • New members and Lisbon Treaty

    New members and Lisbon Treaty
    Romania and Bulgaria become member states. Lisbon Treaty signed, it reforms again the operation of EU, with the goal of making the Union more democratic, more efficient and better able to address global problems with one voice.
  • New member

    New member
    Croatia joins the EU. This brings the number of the EU members to 28.
  • Brexit

    In UK, on 23rd June, British voters had to decide between remaining or leaving EU. 52% of voters decided that UK will no longer be part of EU.
  • This timeline was made

    This timeline was made
    In 2023 Alessandro Averna, Nisrine Lefjer, Greta Meta, Marta Pingaro, Filippo Scavino e Marzia Valpreda made this timeline.