History of Ethics in psychology

  • Syphilis

    Victims were not treated and were never told of the experiment.
    Timestamp: 1:10
  • Electric Shock Experiment

    65% of participants in the "teacher" role did not quit the experiments despite their feelings of objection.
    Timestamp: 3:05
  • Fake Prison Experiment

    The fake prison experiment showed that reasonable people can become unreasonable and even sadistic when backed by ideological authority.
    Timestamp: 4:35
  • Trepanation

    Often done without the patient's consent.
    Timestamp: 0:45
  • List of Ethical Key Areas that All Experiments Must Abide By

    First Do No Harm - Sworn duty of those in healing professions.
    Research Design - Research that is of higher scientific quality is more ethical.
    Informed Consent - Must have a written agreement from the participant.
    Anonymity - Must keep data secure and private.
    Deception - Last alternative when conducting research.
    Debriefing - Return the participant to their original mental state.
    Reporting Results - Must publicly publish studies.