History of Ethics in Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    the medicine man would drill holes in one's skull often without the participant's permission. I find it very interesting that they thought drilling a hole into someone's skull would rid of "demons".
  • Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments

    Many terrible things were done to Jews, homosexuals, and "negros". I always find things about the concentration camps interesting while what happened to those people is horrible and inhumane, it has contributed a lot to psychological development.
  • Palace of Justice Nuremberg, Germany

    this created the "Nuremberg Code" which is a set of ethical principles to guide research on human participants. this also leads to the Nuremberg Trials which convicted leaders of the Nazi experiments.
    I find this interesting because before then there had been so expanded for research on humans.
  • National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjectof Biomedical and Behavioral Research

    The release of the "Belmont Report" giving guidelines to research. This gave more protection to those who were being researched and those who were not. I find this interesting that these guidelines took so long to be put into place. These are important when it comes to protecting the participants.