History of Ethics in Psychology Assignment

  • 6500 BCE


    The thought cure for abnormality or demonic possession would be religious exorcisms or trephination (the drilling of a wide hole in one’s skull to ‘let the demons out’)
  • 5 BCE

    Hippocrates’ Oath

    The opening charge of Hippocrates’ Oath was “First Do No Harm” as though it is the sworn duty of those in the healing professions (i.e. when it comes to conducting experiments)
  • Tuskegee Syphillis Study

    Over 600 poor Black sharecropppers were studied by the US Health Service “To document disease in blacks and racial differences in the clinical manifestions of syphillis.” The men weren’t told they had syphillis but were treated without counseling or penicillin.
  • Period: to

    Nazi Concentration Camps

    Unorthodox experiments on those who weren’t of pure Aryan descent. Emotional, Physical, and Psychological experiments took place without proper tools (i.e. anesthesia) were masked as ‘research’
  • The Tearoom Trade Study

    Laud Humphreys observed men having sex with men in public restrooms of parks as part of his dissertation research without disclosing his role as a researcher. ( https://sites.google.com/a/narrativebioethics.com/emhr/contact/the-tearoom-trade-study-1 )