History of Ethics in Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    Medicine men would drill holes in the afflicted persons skull to release the demons (often without the participants permission)
  • Period: to

    Tuskegee syphilis study

    Over 600 black sharecroppers were studied by the US Public Health Service to document diseases in blacks and racial differences in clinical manifestations of syphilis. The men were not told they had syphilis or given counseling on avoiding the spread of the disease. Penicillin was never given to the participants and they were prevented from obtaining it elsewhere
  • Period: to

    Nazi concentration camp experiments

    experiments were conducted on homosexuals, Jews, Negroes, and others not born of pure Aryan lineage. sleep deprivation, starvation, unnecessary surgery without anesthesia, and torture all took place
  • Nuremberg code was created

    set of ethical principles to guide future research on human participants was published.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    24 male students from Stanford University participated in a 6-day experiment funded by the u.s. Office of Naval Research. There was a mock prison setting where students were assigned either prisoner or guard and were dressed accordingly. the study revealed how reasonable people could become unreasonable and even Sadistic when backed by ideological Authority