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History of Ethics in Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    Doctors would drill holes in peoples head if they had demonic possession. They said it was to “release the demons.” This procedure started the Protection on Human Sujects Act later on in time.
  • American Psychological Association

    American Psychological Association
    Within the association there are multiple aspects they cover. Such as the ethical themes. They cover relationships and responsibilities to others. They also cover Internet Research Ethics. They protect privacy, consent, age/identity verification, and cyber bullying. This has stopped many to get personal information from the Internet.
  • Ethical Laws and Regulations

    Ethical Laws and Regulations
    In Germany they created Nuremberg Codes to provide rules for human research. They had that consent was essential, must yield results to society, avoid physical and mental pain, the subjects can stop the experiment at any time, and the experiment must stop if there was an injury/ harm to participants. This has stopped inhumane testing on citizens.
  • Protection of Human Subjects

    Protection of Human Subjects
    Their list of laws start with that they have to have the idea between therapeutic practices and research. They established ethical principles of respect for persons. Justice is evidenced by a fair balance between research and burdens. This has helped with participants not being tested too far and being able to discover new things without putting harm on others.
  • HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
    This act protects health information and only can be disclosed for research purposes. They have a privacy rule where researchers disclose what will be done with the information and any rights that participants have to access the information themselves. The participants are given codes to protect anonymity and data sources. This act helps us have privacy and disclosure agreements between two people so only certain information is given and the rest stays anonymous.