The Tuskeegee Syphilis Study
This experiment was done on rural black sharecroppers and was done by the US Public Health Service. The experiment was meant to study how syphilis would manifest in the bodies of black people. The experimenters offered no counseling and withheld vital information and penicillin from the test subjects resulting in the spread of the disease and death in large numbers. I chose this experiment because it was upsetting to learn about. It went on for 40 years... -
Nuremberg Codes
The Nuremberg Codes were a set of ground rules for experiments involving human life established after the atrocities that happened in Nazi Camps during WWII. I chose this event because it was a significant step in a more ethical direction when it came to human participation in experiments. -
Zimbardo Prison Study
This experiment was conducted by randomly assigning 24 men either the title of prisoner or guard. The prisoners were abused by the guards who developed a sense of authority and started abusing it.
I picked this experiment because it reminded me, on a more extreme level, of when I was picked to be "line leader" or "daily helper" in elementary school and I can also remember abusing the small amount of pseudo-authority I had over classmates. -
Title 45
All investigators who submit applications for grants or proposals for contracts funded by the federal government are required to complete educations on protection of human subjects and participants. A appreciate this event because it requires people to undergo education on how to properly treat people during experiments instead of relying on peoples sense of sympathy.